
Thursday, November 26, 2015

Five Minute Friday - Table - 11/26/15

As my daughter, Amanda, daughter-in-law, Angie, and I gathered in the kitchen and around Amanda's diningroom table this morning, preparing this year'sThanksgiving feast...making all the traditional family mind wandered back over the years...especially to the years when my own children were small and my parents and husband's mother were regular guests at our Thanksgiving table. As much as I love my family now, my mama's heart can't help but to miss those days sometimes. 

As I was preparing the dressing this morning, I was thinking about my own mother, now gone these past ten Thanksgivings. I remembered the first Thanksgiving that I was to be in charge of making the dressing and just knew that I couldn't do it...not as well as she could anyway! I remember calling her and her walking me through the steps via the telephone. I realized as I was making the dressing, that, to this day I replay that phone call over and over in my head each time I make it and still follow Mom's directions to a tee. In doing so, the dressing turn out every bit as good as hers ever was. Well...almost! 

As my heart and mind wandered over the years, people and places flashed through my grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, old friends, church friends, people that we have shared meals with over the past 19 years in ministry, and new friends that we've made and shared the holiday with since coming to Amanda and Phillip's the past few years since they've been married.

I remember last year and how special it was spending it with more-like-family-than-friends friends and what a bittersweet season it was in all of our lives...and oh, how I missed those friends this year.

Time moves on and seasons change. There's never does seem to be enough time or money to do the things we'd like to do, yet, despite all, people come and go in our lives and sweet memories are made. All is woven into a beautiful tapestry called life and I am truly thankful for all that the Lord has brought into mine.

I'd like to take the opportunity now to wish each and every one here a belated Happy Thanksgiving. No matter your situation or season in life, look for God's blessings, because they're there. The little moments in life today will be the sweet memories in your own tapestry tomorrow. Embrace them!

May God's richest blessings be yours today and always!

All My Love,

Five Minute Friday - a free write, which means, as our hostess, Kate Motaung, says, " editing, no over-thinking, no worrying about perfect grammar or punctuation. Just write."