
Monday, February 26, 2018

Happy Homemaking Monday - February 26, 2018

Today I'm joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom
and all the sweet ladies of 
Happy Homemaking Monday!
Greetings, Sweet Ladies! Happy Last Monday of February 2018! πŸ’—

I pray that this post finds you and yours healthy, happy, and serving the Lord with gladness in every area. As you can see, I'm running late with this post, so I'm going to get right on with it! 😊

Right now I am...

...considering lunch. It's been a busy morning and I'm hungry. I think it's time to take a break and have a little something to eat. 🍴

On the breakfast plate...

This morning I had an egg, a small piece of leftover turkey Italian sausage, and leftover oven roasted potatoes sauteed in a little butter. 

The weather... beautiful! We had heavy rains over the weekend, but, at the moment, it is 55 degrees and sunny. We're supposed to be in the mid-60's most of the week, which makes me extremely happy! 😊

On my reading pile...

I finished reading Staying Positive In A Negative World by Kenneth W. Hagin and took my review and test over it over the weekend, but I've not started my next school book yet. In addition to daily Scripture reading, I am still reading Walk the Walk - Getting Fit with Faith by Leslie Sansone and Live Long, Finish Strong by Gloria Copeland. 

I'm having a little trouble with Leslie's book. While there is much to glean in the area of health and fitness, the book is rather vague in declaring a firm commitment to Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and is rather ecumenical in it's delivery concerning the faith part. There just doesn't seem to be a lot of depth and even subjects like hypnosis are discussed as viable means to helping with weight-loss and achieving life goals. It's a little disturbing, but, sadly, typical of today's modern church mindset.

Staying Positive In A Negative World by Kenneth W. Hagin
Walk the Walk - Getting Fit with Faith by Leslie Sansone
Live Long, Finish Strong by Gloria Copeland
Life in the Spirit Study Bible - King James Version
On the menu this week...

Monday - chicken ranch salad
Tuesday - bison meatloaf, baked sweet potato, green beans
Wednesday - butter and garlic pasta, chicken tenders, and oven-roasted carrots
Thursday - leftover red beans and rice (freezer)
Friday - salmon, sauteed zucchini, and baked sweet potato
Saturday - homemade pizza
Sunday - leftovers

On my 'to do' list...

- Monday - Plan the week ahead, "weekly "home blessing", laundry 
- Tuesday - Take a friend grocery shopping
- Wednesday - Figure March bills, figure the March budget
- Thursday - Work on stuff around the house and maybe work on this blog
- Friday - Go to the bank, pay bills, work
- Saturday - Work 
- Sunday - Church

In the craft basket...

Nothing at this point

Looking forward to this week... 

Having a few slow-slow paced days to work at home. Am in the middle of finally getting my computer stuff moved to, and setting up my office in, the Van Gogh room. That's been the intention since moving in a year-and-a-half ago. Just haven't made it until now. 

From the camera...

Here is a picture of the Van Gogh room that our son took yesterday afternoon. His camera really brings out the yellows and the blues! So pretty! I'm typing this post in the Van Gogh room now and for the very first time ever! And it makes me happy! 🌟🌻🌟

Scripture passage...

Well, Ladies, that's it for this week! I pray that each and every one of you have a blessed week ahead and that all goes well for you and yours in every area of life!

Until Next Time...

Recent posts that you might enjoy reading...

Happy Homemaking Monday - February 19, 2018

Monday, February 19, 2018

Happy Homemaking Monday - February 19, 2018

Today I'm joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom
and all the sweet ladies of 
Happy Homemaking Monday!
Good morning, Sweet Ladies! Happy Monday! πŸ’— And Happy President's Day! πŸ’—

I trust that you and yours had a great rest of the week last week, and a wonderful weekend, and are now ready to face whatever challenges lie ahead with gusto in another brand new week! 

Our past week has been busy and filled with good things. Our grandson, Jed, celebrated his 5th birthday on Monday. 

On Tuesday my sweet friend, Natalia, came over and taught our oldest daughter and I and the grands how to make her native Brazilian brigadeiros (they are sooooo good and my husband absolutely loves them!!!)

Afterwards, Natalia and I headed to Joplin to do some sightseeing and exploring. We visited the Audubon Center at Wildcat Glades, took a hike at Walter Woods Conservation Area, and visited the Grand Falls among other things. We had a good time and made some great memories!

Natalia and I at Joplin's Grand Falls
Wednesday, of course, was Valentine's Day. John and I delivered Valentine's to the grands that hadn't already received theirs and, that evening, we celebrated our 30th wedding anniversary with a quiet candlelight dinner at home. It was nice. πŸ’—

The flowers that were delivered from my husband
on our anniversary and Valentine's Day. πŸ’—
On Thursday I finished the last book in my current unit of studies at Rhema and took the test. I am anxious to get started on the next unit. It is the next to the last.

I worked Friday and Saturday. Then, Saturday evening, we were blessed to have long-time, and very dear, more-like-family-than-friends surprise us with a visit. We had supper together and visited for a few hours before they had to head back, but what a wonderful time of blessing and sweet fellowship! 

Yesterday morning we had a good service at church, then, in the afternoon, our youngest son and his family came and we got to hold and love on that new grandbaby. And, let me tell you, she is absolutely adorable! πŸ’—πŸ‘ΆπŸ’—

Kira Niomi Faith

Well...that's it for last week. Let's get right on in to this week's post, shall we? 😊

Right now I am...

I am finishing up breakfast and having a cup of hot tea while I work on this post.

On the breakfast plate...

egg and sliced turkey on toast and hot tea

The weather...

Right now it's overcast and 65 degrees. Thunderstorms are just to our west and should be upon us within the hour. They are expected to last throughout the afternoon, into the evening, and overnight. The rest of the week doesn't look too bad (temperature-wise anyway...40's, 50's, and 60's for the highs), but there is the possibility of rain almost every day of the foreseeable forecast with little to no sun. BUT...spring is officially only a month away and, at this point, I'll happily take the rain over snow and ice any day...and I LOVE winter! πŸŒ·πŸ€πŸŒ·

On my reading pile...

In addition to daily Scripture reading, I am reading Staying Positive In A Negative World by Kenneth W. Hagin, Walk the Walk - Getting Fit with Faith by Leslie Sansone, and Live Long, Finish Strong by Gloria Copeland. 

Staying Positive In A Negative World by Kenneth W. Hagin
Walk the Walk - Getting Fit with Faith by Leslie Sansone
Live Long, Finish Strong by Gloria Copeland
Life in the Spirit Study Bible - King James Version
On the menu this week...

Monday - leftover Guatemalan red beans and rice and asparagus
Tuesday - taco salad
Wednesday - grilled salmon and oven-roasted vegetables
Thursday - bison burgers (or meatloaf), baked potatoes, and steamed broccoli
Friday - chicken, rice, and oven roasted carrots
Saturday - homemade pizza
Sunday - leftovers

On my 'to do' list...

- Monday - Plan the week ahead, weekly "home blessing", laundry 
- Tuesday - Get together with my friend, Carla, make edible owl pellets for tomorrow's programs
- Wednesday - Preschool programs at library (owl pellets)
- Thursday - Work
- Friday - Grocery shopping and day out with dh
- Saturday - Work (nature bingo)
- Sunday - Church

In the craft basket...

Edible owl pellets (for Wednesday's programs)

Looking forward to this week... 

Having Friday off work again this week! I NEVER get Fridays off, but this is TWICE in one month! 😁

From the camera...
Photo Credit

While out and about on Tuesday, Natalia and I had ice cream at
All Aboard Ice Cream at Redings Mill. What a wonderful place!
The ice cream is made fresh right there in the back of the store and
is made from all-natural (or as close to all-natural) ingredients
as possible and it's soooo good! 

The best part is, once you get your ice cream, you get to enjoy it
in this old, original Kansas City Southern railroad postal car.
The inside of the car features a dining area...

and a play area for the youngsters, as well as old photographs
and a bit of railroad history.

Photo Credit

It's interesting to see the names of all the towns that the mail car delivered mail to.
Scripture passage...

Well, Ladies, that's it for this week! I pray that each and every one of you have a blessed week ahead and that all goes well for you and yours in every area of life!

Until Next Time...

Recent posts that you might enjoy reading...

Valentine's Day 2018

Happy Homemaking Monday - February 12, 2018

Friday, February 16, 2018

Valentine's Day 2018

On Valentine's Day, 2018, my husband John and I celebrated our 30th wedding anniversary. πŸ’‘

Our girls got together and hosted an anniversary party for us on Sunday, February 11th. We had an ice storm the night before and many people that had planned to come couldn't, but, even at that, around 30 did make it, which seems rather fitting...don't you think? 😊

The girls did a great job and everything was just lovely! πŸ’“

On Wednesday, John and I chose to celebrate our anniversary and Valentine's Day with a quiet dinner at home. I made roasted chicken breasts, baked potatoes, and asparagus and we had little heart-shaped cakes and brigadeiros for dessert. πŸ’˜

It was a beautiful day that marks quite a milestone for us. Now we're looking forward to our 50th wedding anniversary with great anticipation! πŸ’—

Until next time...

Recent posts that you might enjoy reading...

Our Littlest Valentine - Kira Niomi Faith

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Our Littlest Valentine - Kira Niomi Faith

Our Littlest Valentine πŸ’“ Kira Niomi Faith
February 11, 2018 πŸ’“ 7 pounds 6 ounces πŸ’“ 20 inches long

Monday, February 12, 2018

Happy Homemaking Monday - February 12, 2018

Today I'm joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom
and all the sweet ladies of 
Happy Homemaking Monday!
Greetings, Sweet Ladies! Happy Monday! πŸ’—

It's Monday evening and I'm just now getting started on this post. We had quite the weekend! I worked Friday and Saturday. We started getting freezing drizzle Saturday morning and it continued overnight. 

At 1:17 a.m. Sunday morning the phone rang. It was our youngest son and he was calling to tell us that he and his wife were headed to the hospital...thirty miles the middle of an ice storm. 😨 His wife was in labor. They checked into the hospital at 1:54 a.m. and their baby girl arrived a little over an hour later at 3:01 a.m. Wow!!! 😲

The next morning we waited as long as we could to give the highway department time to get the roads clear, so we could go to Lamar (20 miles away) to pick up our 3-year-old grandson who had been left with a neighbor in the middle of the night. Then, our plan was, to head to the hospital to meet his new baby sister. 

The car was running and we were planning on leaving as soon as possible. I was standing in the middle of the yard admiring the beauty of our ice-encrusted world when our daughter and son-in-law pulled up in their van and stopped in the middle of the ice-covered street. My daughter got out...then my other daughter got out. (The one that lives in Kansas City.) I'm like, "What's going on? Why is Amanda here?" (I was glad to see her, yes, but what was she doing here in the middle of this ice storm? Was something wrong?)

My girls are like, "What are you doing?"

"We're going to go pick Dante up, then head for the hospital."

They're like, "Nope. You can't do that."

WHAT??? πŸ˜²πŸ˜–πŸ˜§

"You can do that. We've planned a surprise 30th anniversary party and it's at 2:00."


Long story short...we did end up going to Lamar to pick Dante up. Then, we came back here to go to our party...which, by the way, was amazing! A lot of folks that wanted to come couldn't make it due to the weather, but, still, around 30 or so, did make it and we had an absolute ball! 

After the party we went to the hospital and met our newest granddaughter and, let me tell you, she is absolutely beautiful! πŸ’“

Kira Niomi Faith 
Anyway...lots going on and we are so blessed!

Let's get right on in to this week's post, shall we? 😊

Right now I am...

Enjoying a bowl of popcorn and cup of hot tea while I type this post

On the breakfast plate...

I had eggs and toast and hot tea for breakfast this morning

The weather...

It's 33 degrees and clear right now. Tomorrow it is suppose to be sunny with a high of 41. After that, we're supposed to get a couple of really nice days with temps in the 50's and 60's. I can handle that! 🌞

On my reading pile...
Power Up! by Kenneth W. Hagin Live Long, Finish Strong by Gloria Copeland
Life in the Spirit Study Bible - King James Version
In addition to daily Scripture reading, I am reading Power Up! by Kenneth W. Hagin and Live Long, Finish Strong by Gloria Copeland. 

On the menu this week...

I haven't had time to even think about this week's menus, so will fill this in later or skip it altogether this week. 

Monday - bison burgers and oven fries
Tuesday - leftover pizza (freezer)
Wednesday - roasted chicken breasts, baked potatoes,  asparagus
Thursday - Guatemalan red beans and rice
Friday - salmon, oven-roasted vegetables, asparagus 
Saturday - taco salad
Sunday - leftovers

On my 'to do' list...

- Monday - Plan the week ahead, weekly "home blessing", laundry (I actually got all this done this week, but I had to take a nap in the middle of the day. After the wild weekend I am BEAT!) 😴
- Tuesday - Make brigadeiro with my friend from Brazil 
- Wednesday - Deliver Valentine pocket letters to the grandchildren, celebrate our 30th wedding anniversary with my husband
- Thursday - 
- Friday - Work
- Saturday - Work
- Sunday - Church

In the craft basket...

Nothing at the moment. With the ice, only a couple of people made it to my Winter Wildflower program, but we had a blast. Here are the winter wildflower bouquets that we made...

Wildflower Bouquet #1
Wildflower Bouquet #2
Wildflower Bouquet #3

Looking forward to this week... 

Celebrating Valentine's Day and 30th Wedding Anniversary and holding that new granddaughter some more! πŸ’“

From the camera...

Some of the flowers and the cake from our surprise anniversary party...

Our oldest daughter made the cake and our
youngest did the flowers. They did an
amazing job! So beautiful! πŸ’“
What a beautiful cake! πŸ’“
And what beautiful flowers! πŸ’“
Scripture passage...

Well, Ladies, that's it for this week! I pray that each and every one of you have a blessed week ahead and that all goes well for you and yours in every area of life!

Until Next Time...

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