
Thursday, February 28, 2019

Update on Our Son-in-Law - Thursday, February 28, 2019

Greetings, Dear Ones!

It's Thursday afternoon and I felt that I should drop in and share a mid-week update with all those that have been praying over our son-in-law, Phillip, and his wife (our daughter), Amanda.

Amanda and Phillip

Phillip had his first brain tumor removed at the age of 14, the second removed at the age of 28, and the third in January of 2016. The plan this time was to go in and remove scar tissue that has grown over the past three years at the site of the last tumor removal. 

On Thursday of last week (2/21/19) Phillip had surgery to put in the brain mapping grid. After the grid and diodes were in place, the plan was to wait for seizure activity, do more tests, then go in and remove the scar tissue. Upon further testing it was discovered that Phillip has three new brain tumors growing at the site of the last tumor removal from three years ago. This was unexpected and totally changed the game plan.

To further complicate matters, getting the grid in place revealed that the seizure activity was originating further back than first thought. Yesterday (2/26/19) they had to go back in and place seven more diode into the brain. Now they are, once again, awaiting seizure activity in order to do further testing before they can do the big surgery in which they will remove the scar tissue and the three new tumors. 

As for us, we are home now. I've got to work tomorrow and Saturday, then, bad weather is supposed to move in Sunday and Monday on both ends (on ours and in Kansas City). I have no idea what next week holds. I feel terrible about not being with Phillip and Amanda right now, but we have responsibilities on this end, too. We will just have to come and go as time and circumstance allow.  

Phillip After The First Surgery @ KU

Thank you so much for your continued prayers on Phillip and Amanda's behalf. Where would we be without the power of prayer? Praise God for His continual mercy and grace! 

The 91st Psalm is one of the main passages of scripture that I stand
on continuously concerning every member of my precious family.
Blessings over all and until next time...

Recent and related posts that you might enjoy reading...

Monday, February 25, 2019

Happy Homemaker Monday - February 25, 2019

Greetings, Dear Friends! Happy Monday! 💗

I write this post this morning from our son-in-law, Phillip's, hospital room at KU Medical Center in Kansas City, Kansas. He underwent the first of two (possibly three) brain surgeries this past Thursday and is anticipating the second before week's end. Your continued prayers on behalf of our son-in-law and his wife (our daughter), Amanda, would be much appreciated. 🙏

View of KU Medical Center Complex from 6th Floor Window
Please join me as I meet up with Sandra of Diary of a Stay At Home Mom and all the other lovely ladies that make up the Happy Homemaker Monday crew. 

Today I am joining Sandra and the other ladies over at Diary of a Stay At Home Mom
for Happy Homemaker Monday. Please be sure to go over and check it out! 💗
Right now I am...

...sitting in Phillip's hospital room, working on this post, and waiting. They put a mapping grid in Thursday; now they're waiting for him to have enough seizure activity to pinpoint the exact location of where they need to go in to do the work that they need to during the next surgery.

Am thinking...

...about and praying over Phillip and others that are going through various trials at this time. We know so many hurting people right now and many of them are facing serious situations including loss, illness, and financial woes. It makes my heart sad, but praise God for His boundless love and infinite mercy over all! What we see is not all there is!💗

On the breakfast plate...

...had turkey bacon, scrambled eggs, and potatoes O'Brian in the hospital cafeteria...and it was pretty good, too! 🥓🥚🥔

The weather...

...I'm not sure what it's doing at home (it's 60+ degrees on Saturday), but here in the city they've still got a lot of snow on the ground and it is COLD! At the moment it's 30 degrees with a windchill of 21. 

Phillip and Amanda's  Back Yard
On my reading pile...

I finished reading Bonny Kate's Honeymoon - Victory At King's Mountain by Mark Strength and am still reading The Great Buffalo Hunt by Wayne Gard (at work). Have added Song of the Shenandoah by Mark Strength to my reading pile this week. 

Song of the Shenandoah by Mark Strength
On the menu this week...

Monday - out of town
Tuesday - out of town
Wednesday - roasted chicken, brown rice, steamed broccoli, and salad
Thursday - turkey Italian sausages, oven roasted potatoes, green beans, and salad
Friday - broiled salmon, baked sweet potatoes, beets, and salad
Saturday - turkey burgers, oven fries, and salad
Sunday - leftovers

On my 'to-do' list...

Monday - out of town
Tuesday - out of town
Wednesday - Unpack, straighten house, do laundry
Thursday - Figure March bills and budget
Friday - Pay bills, go to bank, celebrate next-to-the-youngest son's, birthday, work
Saturday - Work
Sunday - Church

In the craft basket...

Have several projects in the works including Christmas card crafts and the temperature afghan, but aren't actively working on any of them at the moment. Will try to post pics of the temperature afghan next week. (I don't have it with me at the moment or would do so this week.) 

Something interesting that I saw this week...

From the camera...

Coffee Filter Snowflakes
(This is what we made at this week's "Let It Snow" library program.)
Scripture passage...

Well, Ladies, that's it for this week! I pray that each and every one of you have a blessed and beautiful New Year, and I'll see you next week! Blessings!

Until next time,

Recent and related posts that you might enjoy reading...

Happy Homemaker Monday - February 18, 2019

Monday, February 18, 2019

Happy Homemaker Monday - February 18, 2019

Good morning, Sweet Ladies! Happy President's Day! 💗

I trust that you had a nice weekend and that your week is off to a great start! 😊

Our weekend was okay here. We had another round of winter weather and I missed work Friday and Saturday...which is really going to stink come payday. 😢

By Sunday afternoon the sun was out and the ice was finally starting to melt. I ended up going out to the park to do a couple of things for the boss and, while the regular roads were good, the gravel roads, for the most part, were still ice-packed. One of the things that I was supposed to do was open the gate to the campground and picnic area (provided the roads were clear), but the road to both was still a solid sheet of ice, so I left it closed.

I did see the bison though! They were out on the road near the south end of the park. Here's a couple of photographs that I took along the way...

Bison At Gayfeather Trail Head

Bison Tracks in Ice Along Edge of Road
I was thankful to be home on Friday, when word came that one of my closest cousin's on the Brown side, Teresa Diane, had passed away suddenly. When last I talked with her she was planning on coming down sometime in the spring to stay a night or two. She wanted to explore my beloved prairie and catch up on the things we never have time to catch up on at the annual family reunions. It's hard to believe that she's gone and I'm truly going to miss her. Please pray over her husband (my cousin, Cecil), her children, grandchildren, and the many friends and family members that loved her so. Thank you so much!💔

Teresa Diane and I and One of Her Precious Granddaughters
at the Brown-Murry Family Reunion Back in 2014
(deep sigh)

Well, my friends, it's a brand new week and it's time to look forward! Won't you join me as I join Sandra at Diary of a Stay At Home Mom and all the other lovely ladies that make up the Happy Homemaker Monday crew?

Today I am joining Sandra and the other ladies over at Diary of a Stay At Home Mom
for Happy Homemaker Monday. Please be sure to go over and check it out! 💗
Right now I am...

... finishing up this post so I can head out the door to catch up with daughter-in-law, Angie over breakfast at Mary's.

Am thinking...

...about the week ahead and trying to figure things out. There is so much going on on so many fronts and the rash of winter storms is making it difficult to make plans.

On the breakfast plate...

... will most likely have biscuits and gravy, scrambled eggs, and hash-browns. That's my usual fare at Mary's. (It's soooo good!) 😋

The weather...

...Much better! Right now it's 17 degrees and sunny. The high today is supposed to be in the mid-30's, but we have another round of ice and snow possible tomorrow into Wednesday. After that warmer temperatures (40's and 50's) with rain towards the end of the week.

On my reading pile...

I finished reading Bonny Kate - Pioneer Lady by Mark Strength. I am still reading The Great Buffalo Hunt by Wayne Gard and have added Bonny Kate's Honeymoon - Victory At King's Mountain by Mark Strength. 

Bonny Kate's Honeymoon - Victory at King's Mountain
by Mark Strength
On the menu this week...

Monday - turkey Italian sausages, cheesy scalloped potatoes, peas and carrots
Tuesday - pasta, meatballs, sauce, homemade French bread, and salad
Wednesday - salmon patties, cauliflower mac and cheese, sauteed celery and onion, salad
Thursday - turkey burgers and chips
Friday - broiled salmon, baked potatoes with cottage cheese, and beets
Saturday - homemade pizza (freezer)
Sunday - out of town

On my 'to-do' list...

Monday - Weekly "home blessing"✅, laundry✅, HHM post✅, meet d-i-l for breakfast, have fluids and tires on car checked
Tuesday - Take a friend to her hair appointment
Wednesday - Present 'Let It Snow' programs at the local library (one in the morning and one in the afternoon)
Thursday - Take a friend grocery shopping
Friday - Work
Saturday - Work
Sunday - Head to Kansas City right after church to be with our daughter and visit our son-in-law in hospital

In the craft basket...

Was working hard on my temperature afghan until I ran out of one of my yarn colors. Am awaiting on it's arrival so I can resume. 

One of my simple pleasures...

Spending time quietly reading the scriptures and contemplating them.

Something interesting that I watched this week...

Can't think of anything at the moment.

From the camera...

Valentine's Day Flowers
On my prayer list...

...please pray for our son-in-law, Phillip, who is undergoing his neurosurgery this week. Thank you!

Scripture passage...

Well, Ladies, that's it for this week! I pray that each and every one of you have a blessed and beautiful New Year, and I'll see you next week! Blessings!

Until next time,

Recent and related posts that you might enjoy reading...

Friday, February 15, 2019

Valentine's Day 2019

Greetings, Dear Hearth and Homers! 💗 

It's Friday morning and, here in southwest Missouri, we're in the middle of an all-day ice, sleet, and snow storm. When I left for work this morning it was just getting started. I called the boss to let her know that I might be a few minutes late and she gave me the option of coming on in or going home. I had planned on going in (for a while anyway), but a little ways down the road the ice was coming down so fast that I couldn't clear my windshield. I chose to turn around and come on I am! Getting to spend my morning with you! 💓

Love is in the Air
How was your Valentine's Day? Ours was nice here. I spent Wednesday preparing treats for the grandlittles. I made brigadeiros and put them together with a few other little odds and ends to be delivered on Thursday morning. 

Valentine's Day Treats
Thursday morning Papa and I delivered the treats, then came home to prepare dinner in celebration of, not only Valentine's Day, but our 31st Wedding Anniversary.

John and I as We Prepare to Partake of Our Anniversary Dinner
For dinner we chose to make tortellini, meatballs, sauce, homemade French bread, salad, and a special dessert...angel food cake served with cherry pie filling and whipped topping with sfogliatine (Italian apricot cookies) on the side with white grape juice to drink.

Sweets for the Sweet

Valentine's Day 2019 and Our 31st Wedding Anniversary
Throughout the week several friends and family members took the time to wish us a Happy Valentine's Day and/or Happy Anniversary and we are thankful for and appreciative of each and every one. On Thursday afternoon this beautiful bouquet of flowers arrived at our door.

An Anniversary Gift From Our Youngest Daughter and Son-in-Law
So...that's how we celebrated Valentine's Day 2019 and our 31st Wedding Anniversary here. How did you celebrate Valentine's Day at your house? Do any of my readers share John and I's Valentine's Day anniversary?

Until next time...

Recent and related articles that you might enjoy reading...

Birthdays Galore and a Trip to the Pet Store

Blogmas 2018 - Day 8 - Recipe: Brigadeiros

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Birthdays Galore and a Trip to the Pet Store

Have had a lot of fun celebrating birthdays with some of the youngest of the grandlittles this week! 🎈🎂🎉

Saturday was grandson, Dante's, 4th birthday. I had planned on taking him out to celebrate on Thursday (the 7th), but we got the ice storm and had to reschedule. I took him out yesterday (on Monday the 11th) instead. 

Nana and Dante @ McDonald's
Monday (the 11th) was Dante's little sister's, Kira's, first birthday. Their birthdays are only two days a part, so their mama and daddy had a party celebrating both on the 10th.
Lil' Miss Kira
Today (the 12th) was grandson, Jed's, 6th birthday. We went out for lunch, then took some silly pictures in a photo booth at the mall. While we were there we enjoyed walking a mile together inside the mall. 

Jed and I @ the Mall
After that we went to Braum's for frozen yogurt.

Jed Enjoying His Frozen Yogurt
Then, we went to the pet store to buy live crickets for Clementine (our pet tarantula). 

While we were at the pet store we looked around at all the animals. They had some of the cutest, fuzziest bunnies that I've ever seen and lots of birds and fish. They had a few snakes and this guy...a blue-tongued skink.

Blue-tongued Skink
(Of all the times that I've been in that store to buy crickets for Clementine, I had never once looked around until today. It was a lot of fun!) 😊

It's been a fun few days of celebrating some of the youngest grandchildren in the family. make it through Valentine's Day and our anniversary! I'm about partied out! (NOT!) 😆 

Until next time...

Some recent and related posts that you might enjoy reading...

Happy Homemaker Monday - February 11, 2019

Monday, February 11, 2019

Happy Homemaker Monday - February 11, 2019

Greetings, Dear Ones! Happy Monday! 💗

I had intended to post a mid-week update this week (as well as a few other things), but, unfortunately it didn't happen. Besides being a busy week on the home-front, we finally got some winter weather...which I absolutely enjoyed, but it was weird! 😳We had super cold temperatures, freezing rain, thunderstorms, hail, snow, and even tornado warnings...ALL AT THE SAME TIME!  No joke! This was the weather map Wednesday night into Thursday...

It was wild! I certainly had never seen anything like it. It was interesting to say the least! 

When it was over we were encased in a crystal world of ice. It was so beautiful!!! A lot of it finally melted off Saturday, but Saturday night we got a bit more. I spent a lot of time this week trying to get pictures that would convey the beauty, but it didn't happen. There's just no way to capture the millions of tiny sparkles and flashes of color once the sun hits the ice. At least not with any of the equipment that I have access to. 

This photo probably came the closest and it's nothing. You can see the sparkles though and a bit of color. I took this one with the camera at work on Friday.

White Crown Beard Encased In Ice In A Crystalized World

Due to the winter weather, Thursday's plans had to be postponed and, instead, the day was spent at home enjoying the birds. Here are a couple of shots that I got at our feeders. Both of them were taken through two panes of glass...neither of which was very clean. 😆

House Finch


Much of Friday at work was spent enjoying the beauty of the frozen prairie and doing photography there, as well.

Ice-Encrusted Wildflowers Amid the Frozen Prairie
Landscape at Prairie State Park
Well, dear ones, I'm sure I've bored you long enough! It's a brand new week and it's time to get on with it! Won't you join me as I join Sandra at Diary of a Stay At Home Mom and all the other lovely ladies that make up the Happy Homemaker Monday crew?

Today I am joining Sandra and the other ladies over at Diary of a Stay At Home Mom
for Happy Homemaker Monday. Please be sure to go over and check it out! 💗
Right now I am...

... finishing up breakfast and enjoying a cup of hot tea while working on this post.

Am thinking...

... about the week ahead. Grandson, Dante, turned 4 on Saturday. 🎈 I was supposed to take him out for lunch for his birthday on Thursday, but, with the ice storm, we had to reschedule. I am doing it today. Granddaughter, Kira, who was born in an ice storm one year ago today, is celebrating her first birthday. 🎂 Since Dante and Kira's birthdays are only two days apart our son and daughter-in-law had a birthday party for both yesterday afternoon. 🎈🎂🎉 

Kira Celebrating Her First Birthday
Dante Celebrating His 4th Birthday
Tomorrow I will be taking grandson, Jed, out for his 6th birthday 🎂 and on Thursday, is it not only Valentine's Day 💘, but John and I will be celebrating our 31st wedding anniversary. 💕So...lots of love  and celebration going on in the family this week! 💓

February 14, 1988
On the breakfast plate...

... fat-free ham slices, egg, and cheese on toast and a cup of hot tea

The weather...

... Much better! 36 degrees and rainy but a high of 53 is expected. After that it's supposed to be in the 40's, 50's, and even 60's through Thursday, then a bit chillier after that. chances of winter weather again until next least at this point that's what they're saying. This is Missouri and it could always (and often does) change! 😉

On my reading pile...

Finished reading Pioneer Girl  - The Annotated Autobiography by Laura Ingalls Wilder (very good and quite interesting!) and From The Godfather to God the Father - The Michael Franzese Story by Michael Franzese; am still reading The Great Buffalo Hunt by Wayne Gard and have added Bonny Kate - Pioneer Lady by Mark Strength. 

Catharine "Bonny Kate" Sherrill, who married John Sevier and later became the first first-lady of Tennessee, was my great-grandfather's (several greats) niece (her father and my great-grandfather were brothers) making her a distant cousin to me. Anyway, have always been fascinated by her life and am enjoying this book very much! My great-grandfather (Captain William B. Sherrill) and greater-grandparents (Adam and Betsy Sherrill) have all been mentioned, thus far. Very interesting! 💓

On the menu this week...

Monday - turkey Italian sausages with oven roasted potatoes, green beans, and salad
Tuesday - Crockpot Lemon and Garlic Chicken, butter and garlic pasta, steamed broccoli, and salad
Wednesday - turkey cheeseburgers and oven fries

Thursday - five-cheese tortellini, meatballs, sauce, homemade French bread, salad, and a special anniversary dessert

Friday - broiled salmon served over a bed of sauteed yellow squash, baked potatoes with cottage cheese, and peas and carrots
Saturday - Crockpot Pizza Potatoes (see recipe below) and salad
Sunday - leftovers


8 medium potatoes, peeled and halved
1 c chopped onion
1 lb turkey Italian sausage
1 t salt
8 oz can tomato sauce

1 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp oregano
1 tsp parsley

Place potatoes in crockpot.  Cut sausage into bite-sized chunks.  Place sausage on top of potatoes.  Add onions. Mix spices into tomato sauce and pour over all.  Cover and cook on low 6-8 hrs until potatoes are tender.

On my 'to do' list...

Monday - Weekly "home blessing"✅, laundry✅, HHM post, walk, take grandson, Dante, out to lunch for his birthday, wish granddaughter, Kira, a happy first birthday
Tuesday - Walk, take grandson, Jed, out to lunch for his birthday
Wednesday - Walk, make valentine treats for the grands, get together with my friend, Carla
Thursday - Walk, deliver valentine treats to the grands, celebrate John and I's 31st wedding anniversary
Friday - Walk, work
Saturday - Walk, work (nature bingo)
Sunday - Church

In the craft basket...

... making bean bags for an upcoming program at work (forgot to take pics, but will try to remember to do so Friday...they're all at work now), and am starting a temperature afghan. My daughter, Amanda, has been working on one for awhile now and I had intended to start one long ago. Seeing the progress that Jodi has made on her's has fueled my fire. I've got the first two rows done and, hopefully, the rest of my yarn should be here today so I can continue! 😊

One of my simple pleasures...

Watching the birds at our feeders.

Caroline Wren
Something interesting that I watched this week...

The aftereffects of the ice storm and the wildlife that were out and about in it at the same time I was...birds, bison, deer, coyote, and an opossum.

This little guy (an opossum) was wondering around the
campground looking for something good to eat.
From the camera...

The Road To The Campground At Prairie State Park
Scripture passage...

Well, Ladies, that's it for this week! I pray that each and every one of you have a blessed and beautiful New Year, and I'll see you next week! Blessings!

Until next time,

Recent and related posts that you might enjoy reading...

Happy Homemaker Monday - February 4, 2018