
Monday, November 25, 2019

Happy Homemaker Monday - November 25, 2019

Greetings, Dear Ones! Happy Monday! 💗 And HAPPY THANKSGIVING to one and all!!! 🦃

I trust that this past week has been a good one for you and yours. Here life has been a whirlwind. 

A week ago Friday I found our 86-year-old neighbor (and I use the term "neighbor" loosely...this gal has been in my life since I was ten years old and she is a second mother to me)...but, anyway, I found her down on the floor and out of her head. It's been hospitals, doctors, home health, and skilled nursing ever since. Prayers on her behalf for health and healing would be greatly appreicated. Her name is Pat. 

Other than running to medical facilities and taking care of stuff concerning all of that I've not done a whole lot this week. I did get one day of work in on Saturday (the first in two weeks), but, other than that, not too much else. So, let's just delve right on into this week's post, shall we?

Please join me as I link up with Sandra of Diary of a
Stay At Home Mom
 and all the other lovely ladies that gather
there on this week's 
Happy Homemaker Monday! 💗
Right now I am...

... Having a cup of tea, working on this post, and waiting on the oxygen guy to pick up up supplies from Pat's.

On the breakfast plate...

... ff turkey slices, an egg, and Laughing Cow cheese on toast and a cup of hot tea

The weather...

... Right now it's 56 degrees and sunny with a high of 63 expected. Looks like we have chances of rain all week, but, overall, it doesn't look too bad for late November.

...  On my reading pile...

I finally finished On The Banks of Plum Creek by Laura Ingalls Wilder, but am still working on 
My Father, Daniel Boone - The Draper Interviews with Nathan Boone edited by Neal O. Hammon.

On the menu this week...

Monday - Italian sausage, oven roasted potatoes, and sauteed celery slices
Tuesday - @ Sweet Creations (Community Thanksgiving Dinner)
Wednesday - Out
Thursday - Thanksgiving @ daughter and son-in-law's
Friday - Broiled salmon, baked butternut squash, and salad
Saturday - Dh's night to cook
Sunday - Leftovers

No photo description available.

On my 'to do' list...

- Monday - Plan the week ahead, do my "Weekly Home Blessing", catch up on laundry, wait for the oxygen man to come and pick up supplies
- Tuesday - Bake pies and make rolls for Thursday's dinner @ dd's an sil's
- Wednesday - Visit youngest dd in KC
- Thursday - Celebrate Thanksgiving Day with family and friends; put up and decorate Christmas tree
- Friday - Work
- Saturday - Work
- Sunday - Church

In the craft basket...

... Haven't had a chance to work on anything lately and doubt that I'll have time this week

Looking forward to this week...

... celebrating Thanksgiving and kicking off the Christmas season with family and friends. 

Something I enjoyed watching this week...

Kirk Cameron's Monumental. It was very interesting and I loved learning about the National Monument to the Forefathers. My husband and I are both HUGE history buffs and neither one of us had ever heard of it before! 😲

From the camera...

A friend blessed us with persimmons. After pulping them...
...I turned them into persimmon bread! Deliciously yum!!! 😋
Scripture passage...

Image result for kjv thanksgiving

Well, Ladies! That's it for this week! I pray that each and every one of you have a blessed and beautiful week ahead! 💗

Until Next Time...

Recent and related posts that you might enjoy reading...

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Monday, November 18, 2019

Happy Homemaker Monday - November 18, 2019

Greetings, Dear Ones! Happy Monday! 💗

I trust that this past week has been a good one for you. Ours has been...well...let's see...the mechanic got the new struts installed on my car (which is fantastic!!!!) and I finished up a couple of Christmas projects that I was working on. Unfortunately, the frost flower hike did not take place and, other than that, let's just say that it's been a week and leave it at that.

Leaves In Water
I have a lot going on at the moment and have to leave soon, so let's just delve right on into this week's post, shall we?

Please join me as I link up with Sandra of Diary of a
Stay At Home Mom
 and all the other lovely ladies that gather
there on this week's 
Happy Homemaker Monday! 💗
Right now I am...

... Finishing up breakfast and enjoying a cup of tea while I work on this post.

On the breakfast plate...

... Cottage cheese on toast and hot tea

The weather...

... Fair and 38 degrees under partly cloudy skies with a slight chance of rain. Temperature-wise the week ahead doesn't look bad at all. 

...  On my reading pile...

My Father, Daniel Boone - The Draper Interviews with Nathan Boone edited by Neal O. Hammon and On The Banks of Plum Creek by Laura Ingalls Wilder. 

On the menu this week...

Monday - Leftover Italian sausage stuffed peppers and sauce with pasta, homemade French bread, and salad
Tuesday - Breakfast for supper
Wednesday - Italian sausage, oven roasted potatoes, and sauteed celery slices
Thursday - Oven roasted chicken breasts, baked potatoes, and green beans
Friday - Broiled salmon, baked butternut squash, and salad
Saturday - Dh's night to cook
Sunday - Leftovers
On my 'to do' list...

- Monday - Plan the week ahead, do my "Weekly Home Blessing", do laundry, wash 
bedding, take a family member grocery shopping
- Tuesday - ?
- Wednesday - Library programs (owls)
- Thursday - ?
- Friday - Work
- Saturday - Work
- Sunday - Church

In the craft basket...

... Keeping up with the temperature afghan and working on projects for Christmas.

Looking forward to this week...

... finding peace and joy in the midst of life's struggles. 

Something I enjoyed watching this week...

Episode 5 of Counting On Season 10 and reruns of Christy.

Image result for christy

From the camera...

Pigeons in Joplin
Scripture passage...

Image result for kjv of whom shall I fear

Well, Ladies! That's it for this week! I pray that each and every one of you have a blessed and beautiful week ahead! 💗

Until Next Time...

Recent and related posts that you might enjoy reading...

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Monday, November 11, 2019

Happy Homemaker Monday - November 11, 2019

Greetings, Dear Ones! A very Happy Monday to you and Happy Veterans Day! 💗

Remembering Our Veterans - Past, Present, and Future

I trust that this past week has been a great one for you. Ours was good, but very little went as planned...not even my menus...but it was a productive week nonetheless. 😊

Our friend's eye surgery went well on Monday and I did not have to end up taking her to Lamar for a follow-up on Tuesday. That will come two weeks out when she will be fitted for new glasses. Praise God! Her eyesight is much improved! 

On Tuesday our daughter, Amber, invited me to go shopping with her and the children at Amish stores north of us and, while there, we did a winter stock-up of whole grains, baking supplies, and spices. While we were out we had lunch together and ran a few errands. It's the first thing I can remember doing with her like that in over a year and I thoroughly enjoyed it! 💗

Wednesday and Thursday were spent running errands, taking care of business, and just trying to get organized overall. I sorted through hundreds of saved e-mails...many of them from clear back in May and June...responded to those that warranted an answer and trashed most of them, as they were no longer relevant to anything that I currently have going on. 

I sorted through the pile of papers in the basket on our table, paid our property taxes, got the new hubcaps put on my car, and made an appointment to get the springs and struts replaced. In the process, I took care of a whole bunch of little odd and end jobs that have needed doing for quite some time. Perhaps now, I can start the week out fresh and really delve into some of my long-awaited holiday happenings. I hope so, at least! 😳

I worked Friday (last homeschool program of 2019) and Saturday (planned the subject matter of most of my homeschool and library programs for 2020); Sunday was spent helping our neighbor and relaxing. In the process, I got a wild hair and, finally, after three and a half years, got the gumption to clean off the back porch. In the process, I removed a lot of the stuff that my dad had stored there and was finally able to move his tackle box from the spot on the step where it had been in since before his death in 2016 to the shelf above. His fishing hat is still hanging right where he left it and that's where it will stay. 🎣

Okay...enough about last week. Let's take a look ahead to this week, shall we?

Please join me as I link up with Sandra of Diary of a
Stay At Home Mom
 and all the other lovely ladies that gather
there on this week's 
Happy Homemaker Monday! 💗
Right now I am...

... Eating breakfast and enjoying a cup of hot tea as I work on this post. I am also listening to the wild north wind as it blows in an arctic cold front. 

On the breakfast plate...

... Apple-cinnamon toast, Oikos Triple Zero vanilla yogurt, and hot tea

The weather...

... Yesterday was gorgeous...sunshine and 70 degrees. At present it's 32 degrees with a rain/snow mix. Temperatures are expected to continue to topple throughout the day before they reach a low of 15 degrees. Brrrrrr! 😰

After that, temperatures are expected to warm back up again into the 40's and 50's, so not too bad! 😏

I do believe that we'll finally get that frost flower hike in tomorrow morning. That's my plan anyway! I'll have to notify everyone tonight. 😊 
...  On my reading pile...

My Father, Daniel Boone - The Draper Interviews with Nathan Boone edited by Neal O. Hammon and On The Banks of Plum Creek by Laura Ingalls Wilder...but I have advanced a few pages in both books. Woo-hoo! 😆

On the menu this week...

Monday - Potato soup, homemade bread, and sweet potato pie 
Tuesday - Roasted chicken breasts with baked acorn squash, asparagus spears, salad, and fried apples
Wednesday - Pork roast with fried cabbage and oven roasted potatoes and carrots
Thursday - Italian sausage stuffed banana peppers with salad and homemade French bread
Friday - Broiled salmon, baked butternut squash, fried cabbage, and homemade bread
Saturday - Dh's night to cook
Sunday - Leftovers

At the Amish store this week, I purchased several
bags of homemade noodles on markdown. I used one of the bags to make homemade turkey and noodle soup. 
On my 'to do' list...

- Monday - Plan the week ahead, do my 
"Weekly Home Blessing", laundry
- Tuesday - Car to mechanic; projects around the house, hopefully will actually get around to organizing the Van Gogh room and start pulling out Christmas crafts and holiday projects (our family Christmas is coming right up!) 😲
- Wednesday - Work on Christmas crafts and holiday projects
- Thursday - Pick car up from mechanic; work on Christmas crafts and holiday projects
- Friday - Work
- Saturday - Work
- Sunday - Church

In the craft basket...

... Keeping up with the temperature afghan and working on projects for Christmas.

Temperature Afghan

Bark Owls
(for an upcoming library program)
Looking forward to this week...

... Moving deeper into holiday mode! 🎄🦃🎅

Something I enjoyed watching this week...

Episode 4 of Counting On Season 10.

Image result for counting on season 10

From the camera...

A Frosty-Backed Bison on
a Frost-Covered Prairie
Scripture passage...

Image result for kjv thanksgiving scriptures

Well, Ladies! That's it for this week! I pray that each and every one of you have a blessed and beautiful week ahead! 💗

Until Next Time...

Recent and related posts that you might enjoy reading...

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Monday, November 4, 2019

Happy Homemaker Monday - November 4, 2019

Greetings, Dear Readers! Happy Monday! 

(The first Monday of November! Can you believe it?) 😲

I trust that you and yours had a good week and weekend. Ours was good here! 

The early part of the week was spent visiting friends at  Pomme de Terre. It was nice to get away and, despite the chilly temperatures, we went out on the pontoon boat and took a tour of the lake.

A Great Blue Heron Coming In For A Landing
The mist on the lake was magnificent and we observed many water birds including gulls, herons, and a flock of mallard ducks. It was fun going out on the lake and we had a wonderful visit with our friends!

A Flock of Mallard Ducks on Pomme de Terre Lake
On our way home from the lake on Wednesday, we decided to take a couple of side trips. The first to visit old friends at Preston...

The Road To Our Friends House At Preston
It felt as though I was coming home. 💗
...and another to pick up a few things at Osceola Cheese. (which is one of our favorite places)! Among other things, we got a large moon of aged longhorn, a huge wedge of romano, and a Peach Nehi, of course (a family tradition when in the area)! 🧀

Image result for osceola cheese factory
The Osceola Cheese Co. - Osceola, Missouri
Nehi Peach 12oz glass.jpeg
Peach Nehi

Wednesday night we received our first snowfall of the season and Thursday was spent catching up on things here at home (laundry, figuring November budget and bills, etc.).

I worked Friday and Saturday. Our propane finally arrived on Friday, so we were able to turn on the heat at home and, at work on Saturday, we celebrated National Bison Day! 

National Bison Day - Celebrating Our National Mammal
The First Saturday of November Annually
Our naturalist took visitors out on the prairie to view the bison from a safe distance, while my friend and co-worker, Claudia, and I oversaw the serving of bison chili to all our guests and helped with the children's craft table. 

Claudia and I in Our Beards For Bison
Image may contain: food
Bison Chili
Five of  John and I's Grandchildren Sporting Their
Beards For Bison
Image may contain: food
Coffee Ground Bison Craft For The Children
Image may contain: 1 person, sitting and indoor
We Celebrated The Event and Served Chili
To Approximately 150 Guests
We had a lot of fun and a good time was enjoyed by all!

Saturday night we set the clocks back before bed and Sunday turned out to be the longest, most wonderfully relaxing day that we've had in ages! I am so glad that we are back on real time! It makes all the difference in the world! 

Enough about last week. Let's take a look ahead to this week, shall we? 

Please join me as I link up with Sandra of Diary of a Stay At Home Mom and all the other lovely ladies that gather there on this week's Happy Homemaker Monday! 💗
Right now I am... 

... Enjoying a cup of pumpkin spice tea and finishing up breakfast while I work on this post.

On the breakfast plate...

... Eggs, toast, and hot tea

The weather...

... Right now it's 46 degrees and cloudy, but the week ahead doesn't look too bad. 

We've had plenty of cold mornings this past week, but, sadly, I've not had time, nor opportunity, to lead that impromptu frost flower hike yet. Fortunately, it's warming back up, so we should have plenty of opportunities yet!

Image may contain: plant, outdoor and nature
Frost Flower From Last Year
Photo Taken 11/16/18
...  On my reading pile...

Arggghhhh! I'm still right where I've been for WEEKS...My Father, Daniel Boone - The Draper Interviews with Nathan Boone edited by Neal O. Hammon and On The Banks of Plum Creek by Laura Ingalls Wilder. 

On the menu this week...

Monday - Potato soup with crackers
Tuesday - Turkey burgers and oven fries
Wednesday - Chili and cornbread
Thursday - Turkey and wild rice soup with homemade bread
Friday - Broiled salmon, baked butternut squash, and green beans
Saturday - Dh's night to cook
Sunday - Leftovers

On my 'to do' list...

I did laundry and my "Weekly Home Blessing" yesterday afternoon because I wouldn't be home to do it today.

- Monday - Take a friend to Joplin for eye surgery, stop and get a few things at the grocery store
- Tuesday - I'm not sure yet, but am guessing that the friend who is having eye surgery today will have a follow-up appointment with her regular eye doctor on Tuesday, so am leaving it open
- Wednesday - Clean and organize the Van Gogh room, work on Christmas crafts and projects around the house
- Thursday - Work on Christmas crafts and projects around the house
- Friday - Work (Buffalo Train Ride Homeschool Program)
- Saturday - Work
- Sunday - Church

In the craft basket...

... Keeping up with the temperature afghan and working on projects for Christmas.

Temperature Afghan
Looking forward to this week...

... Settling into holiday mode! 🎄🦃🌟

Something I enjoyed watching this week...

The first three episodes of Counting On Season 10.

Image result for counting on season 10

From the camera...

A Great Blue Heron Wading Along The Shore
Pomme De Terre Lake
Scripture passage...

Well, Ladies! That's it for this week! I pray that each and every one of you have a blessed and beautiful week ahead! 💗

Until Next Time...

Recent and related posts that you might enjoy reading...