
Thursday, April 30, 2020

Gearing Up For Gardening

Good Afternoon, Ladies! 💗 

How is everyone on this beautiful, sunshiny, Thursday afternoon? Is it sunny where you are? 🌞

Yesterday John and I ran out to the Amish greenhouse to see what they had in the way of plants. 

Flowers and Hanging Baskets
Countryside Greenhouse - Lamar, MO
They are gearing up for Mother's Day so they had a LOT of flowers, hanging baskets, and bedding plants.

Flowers, Hanging Baskets, and Bedding Plants
Countryside Greenhouse - Lamar, MO

I had originally planned on getting a flat full of flowers (at least some marigolds to plant along the front edge of the porch) but they only had a couple of kinds of marigolds to choose from. It's early yet, so I decided to wait until I can find a little more variety. 

Flowers, Hanging Baskets, and Bedding Plants
Countryside Greenhouse - Lamar, MO
We did get some vegetable plants though...Roma tomatoes, green peppers, banana peppers, jalapenos, and zucchini.

Peppers and Tomatoes
I got a few herbs to add to my herb wheel, as well...sage, rosemary, and thyme.

Sage, Rosemary, and Thyme
I also got a free petunia just for making a $25.00 purchase, so I ended up with flowers after all! Yeah!!! 💗

A Wave Petunia
I can't wait to get out and visit a couple more of my favorite greenhouses. We will have to make a day of it soon!

How about you? Do you garden? Enjoy flowers? Plant vegetables? If so, what's happening in your world as you gear up for gardening? 

Until next time...

Recent and related posts that you might enjoy reading...

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Craft Project: Treasure Bags

Good TUESDAY afternoon, Ladies! 💗

I pray that your week is off to a great start and that you're getting some stuff that you had hoped to.  

Treasure Bags

I got the treasure bags done that I've been working on since the end of JanuaryMy goal was to use up the yarn leftover from making my 2019 temperature afghan in hopes of making enough bags to, at least, cover the grandchildren for Christmas.

Treasure Bags

I didn't quite use up all the yarn. I had an abundance of pumpkin orange, so will have to find a fall craft project to make with that (am thinking autumn leaf garlands maybe), but I did manage to make enough bags to cover the grands, plus had an extra bag left over. I will probably keep that one for myself and keep my crochet hooks, scissors, and stuff in it and keep it with my yarn bag.

I have a couple of Walmart sacks full of yarn that my youngest daughter gave me around Thanksgiving-time, year before last, and I am turning that into bags, too.

Treasure Bags
For Christmas I will stuff each bag full of goodies (tiny treasures, small age-appropriate gifts, personal care items, cash or gift cards, candy, etc.) and give them as gifts to the grandchildren. I hope they enjoy them. They'll be kind of like a stocking, but not. 

 Treasure Bag Idea

The extra bags can be stuffed with goodies and given away or I might take orders and sell some.

Treasure Bag Idea
That's one thing that I've worked on and accomplished this week. 

How about you? What are you working on this week?

Until next time...

Recent and related posts that you might enjoy reading...

Home Management Monday - April 27, 2020

Monday, April 27, 2020

Home Management Monday - April 27, 2020

Good morning, Dear Ladies! 💗 Happy Last Monday of April! 

I pray that this post finds you healthy, happy, and serving the Lord with gladness this morning! How was your week and weekend?

Our week here was good! Not a lot going on really, but did accomplish a few things. Deep-cleaned the bedroom and bathroom (including washing the windows and the curtains in both rooms), completed the crochet project that I started back in January for Christmas gifts (more about that in a later post), finished the book I was reading, went through another packed tote or two, and got in several miles of walking.

I worked Friday and Saturday and spent the majority of both days out on the ATV picking up trash along the roadsides. It was great being able to be outside instead of locked in a visitor-less nature center with the shades drawn. I wish I had a dollar for every aluminum can I picked up though! I'd be rich!!! 😆

I awoke to...

... an early alarm and a strong determination to get things done early this morning.

What I'm thinking...

... I am praying that our country opens up soon. So many people are struggling right now and people are still scared. We, personally, don't realize how hard it is for some out there because we, literally, live in a bubble. Thus far, not a single person in our family has lost their job during this time of trial, since they've started testing, there's not been a single case of COVID-19 confirmed in our county (I think we all had it back in December and can't wait to take an antibody test), and, in one of the worst times in our nation's history, my husband and I were able to achieve debt-freedom. It doesn't make sense! But God. Period! Praise His holy name! 

What I'm thankful for...

... new life, spring flowers, the bird's nest being built and tended right outside my office window, the hummingbirds at our feeder, and all the buzzing, flying, fluttery things that are flitting across our lawn.

Newborn Kittens
Our grandchildren's cat had kittens a week or so ago. I couldn't resist snuggling them for just a minute or two while I was there and had the chance. There's nothing in the world like newborn kittens, or new life of any kind, for that matter, and they are soooo sweet! 💓

Bumblebee on Lousewort (a.k.a Wood Betony)
Discovered this guy buzzing around while walking one of the trials at Prairie State Park yesterday afternoon. I love how he's got pollen all over him. Shows just how seriously that he's really taking that pollination job! 

On the breakfast plate...

... maple and brown sugar oatmeal and a cup of hot tea

The weather...

When I got up it was 56 degrees and rainy, but now, it's 60 degrees and the sun is trying it's very best to pop out from behind the clouds and shine for us. I don't know that it's going to have much luck though. It's supposed to be cloudy with chances of rain all day. In fact, it looks like good chances of rain all week. ☔

This week's menu plan...

Monday - Turkey Italian sausage, oven-roasted potatoes, oven-roasted carrots, and fried cabbage
Tuesday - Stuffed pepper casserole, oven-roasted carrots, and salad
Wednesday - Breakfast for supper
Thursday - Roast beef, Sue Gregg's cheesy potatoes, and brussel sprouts
Friday - 
Broiled salmon, oven-roasted potatoes, and oven-roasted carrots
Saturday - Dh's night to cook
Sunday - Leftovers

On my 'to do' list...

Monday - Complete this post, do my weekly 'home blessing', laundry, clean and organize the Van Gogh room (my office)
Tuesday - Write and mail a few letters and cards, work on blog, do some on-line shopping
Wednesday - Go the the Amish greenhouse and, maybe, to a grocery store, work outside
Thursday - Work outside, work on blog
Friday - Work
Saturday - Work
Sunday - Church

On my reading pile...

Finished reading Iditarod Dreams by Lew Freedman and Deedee Jonrowe, but am continuing on in Bible Prayer by Kenneth E. Hagin (Bible Study Course)

From the camera...

Imagine how surprised I was to discover a Bald Cypress swamp across the road from where I work this weekend. I've lived in southwest Missouri for almost a quarter-century and have driven up and down that particular road hundreds of times, but I never knew that it was there! I had never seen it before! What I was seeing was NOT matching up with where I was! I mean...Bald Cypress isn't even native to this part of Missouri and right in the middle of the tallgrass prairie??? Are you kidding me??? How in the world did that happen??? 

A Bald Cypress Swamp Right in the Middle of Tallgrass Prairie
Well...there is a very probable explanation. While I'm pretty sure that this particular swamp is on private property, the cypress trees, undoubtedly, made their way over from the Lester R. Davis Memorial Forest next door. Mr. Davis purchased land in 1951 that had been strip-mined in the 1920's and spent 15 years planting over 300 species of trees and shrubs (over 100,000 individual plants) there...including the bald cypress. That very well could explain why there is a Bald Cypress swamp directly across the road from Prairie State Park now! And it provided me an opportunity to see my first cypress very first cypress trees EVER...and I never left the comfort of my beloved tallgrass prairie! How cool is that??? Weird, but definitely very cool! ðŸ˜²

Scripture verse...

Well, Ladies, that's it for this week! I pray that each and every one of you have a great week ahead! Stay close the Lord and stay in His Word!

Until next time...

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Happy Earth Day!

Today is Earth Day. I'll be honest...I may be a naturalist (my title at work), but I'm not an environmentalist. I'm not even a huge fan of Earth least not the way most people in our world think about it...but, I am a huge fan of our earth's Creator (God, our Heavenly Father) and the natural world that He created for us to live in and enjoy, and, yes, I do believe that we each need to do our part to take care of it (don't litter, use our natural resources wisely, recycle, etc.), in light of that and the scripture above...Happy Earth Day! ðŸŒŽ 

I was 8-years-old when the first Earth Day was celebrated back in 1970. Today marks it's 50th anniversary. For those that are interested, this page shares the history of Earth Day and includes a typical, fear-producing news clip of the day. Earth Day's message? "Act or die!" To view, click HERE

How do you and your family view Earth Day? What do you do, if anything, to celebrate

Until next time...

Recent and related posts that you might enjoy reading...

Monday, April 20, 2020

Home Management Monday - April 20, 2020

Good morning, Dear Ones! 💗 Happy Monday! 

I trust that you and yours had a lovely weekend and that you are up and at 'em, ready to start the day, and are serving the Lord with gladness on this beautiful April morning!

Image may contain: plant, flower, nature and outdoor
Purple Iris Blooming In Our Yard
We had a good week here. We accomplished a lot around the place and I went back to work on Friday and Saturday. The nature center and campground are still closed (and will be through May 3rd, at this point), but there are still things to do and work on. 

Image may contain: sky, flower, cloud, plant, tree, outdoor and nature
The Nature Center in Happier Times
June 2019
It's strange being in the nature center now with the doors locked and the shades drawn. Will be so glad when things open up and we can unlock those doors. I miss meeting new people and talking with visitors!

I awoke to...

... Thoughts of the day, gray skies, and rain.

What I'm thinking...

... about my dad and Uncle Melvin. Had he still been with us, today would have been my dad's 86th birthday; it is also the four-year anniversary of my Uncle Melvin's death. In life Dad and Uncle Melvin were so close; only eight days separated them in death. I love and miss them both! What characters they were! 

Image may contain: 1 person
Happy Birthday in heaven, Dad! I love you! 💗
Image may contain: 2 people, people sitting
Uncle Melvin (on left) and My Dad (on right)
What I'm thankful for...

... For the fact that my dad was my dad and for the years that I had with him. He was quite a guy! Not wealthy, nor well-educated, by the world's standards, but, in reality, he was one of the richest and smartest men that I've ever known. I am truly blessed to have been born his daughter. 💗

On the breakfast plate...

... maple and brown sugar oatmeal and a cup of hot tea

The weather...

... Right now it's 54 degrees and rainy, but the high today is supposed to reach 72 degrees. There are chances of rain throughout the day, but by late afternoon and into the evening it is supposed to be sunny and clear. The week ahead doesn't look bad at all! 🌞

This week's menu plan...

Monday - Ham, biscuits and gravy, and fried potatoes
Tuesday - Chicken and Wild Rice Soup, salad, and homemade French bread
Wednesday -  Turkey Italian sausage, Sue Gregg's cheesy potatoes, and green beans
Thursday - Stuffed pepper casserole and brussel sprouts
Friday - Broiled salmon, oven-roasted potatoes, and oven-roasted carrots
Saturday - Pasta, sauce, turkey meatballs, salad, and homemade French bread (freezer)
Sunday - Leftovers

On my 'to do' list...

Monday - Complete this post, my weekly 'home blessing', laundry, wash bedding, wash bedroom and bathroom curtains, wash bedroom and bathroom windows
Tuesday - Work outside; go through a packed tote or two
Wednesday - Deep clean kitchen
Thursday - Just take it, crochet, watch "Little House" reruns, etc.
Friday - Work
Saturday - Work
Sunday - Church

On my reading pile...

Bible Prayer by Kenneth E. Hagin (Bible Study Course) and Iditarod Dreams by Lew Freedman and Deedee Jonrowe (had misplaced this book for a while, but found it this past week) 😄

From the camera...

My husband and I took a hike on the prairie yesterday afternoon and everything
was so lovely! We saw the bison herd and lots of early spring flowers.
 Blue-Eyed Grass
One of my favorites of the early spring flowers that grow on the tall-grass
 prairies of southwest Missouri. It's so pretty!
Scripture verse...

Well, Ladies, that's it for this week! I pray that each and every one of you have a great week ahead! Stay close the Lord and stay in His Word!

Until next time...

Recent and related posts that you might enjoy reading...

Sunday, April 19, 2020

"To Every Thing There Is A Season..."

Ecclesiastes 3:1 tells us that "to every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven." And, oh, what a season we find ourselves in...individually, as families, as a nation, and as a global community.

As for the ultimate purpose in all of this, I won't pretend to know the mind of God, and I can't speak for anybody but myself, but I do know that God's Word is truth and His Word tells us that "...all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purposes" (Romans 8:28), so I have to believe that, whatever His purposes are in all of this, I have to trust Him.

For many, these are tough times. Many are depressed and discouraged. For many, fear prevails where there is no faith and, sadly, where there is no faith, there is no hope.

But it doesn't have to be that way.

For those that are willing to receive Him, Jesus is there. He loves you. He died for you. If you don't know Him, ask Him into your heart. Ask Him to make Himself real to you today. If you want or need help in doing that, feel free to message me. I am here for you and I am praying over you right now.

Yes, "to every thing there is a season" but this, too, shall pass. Don't let this season that you find yourself in right now pass without making the most important decision of your life. 

Until next time...

Recent and related posts that you might enjoy reading...

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Celebrating Debt Freedom and More

Good afternoon, Dear Ladies!

This has been a wild week and, as you've probably noticed, I've not kept up with posting as much as I should liked to have. To be honest, I've been completely distracted. 

I lost Tuesday altogether. At this point, I couldn't even tell you what happened that day, but yesterday was a day of increase and blessing in so many ways! I don't even know where to begin to tell you about it!

To make a very long story extremely short, the stimulus check came in yesterday, as did my paycheck. We took what was left after tithe, added $1000.00 out of our emergency fund, and paid off the last of the credit card debt. 

As of late last night/early this morning, we are now 100% debt-free and we give all the glory to God! Despite our mistakes and failures along the way, God has remained faithful and He has seen us through to that very last payment.

There's so much I could tell you about this, but I'll spare you the details, but I do want to say this to anyone who is in bondage to debt and wants to get out...

#1 - Pay your tithe first and foremost, and don't do it begrudgingly. If you're not doing it out of a love for and in obedience to God, it doesn't matter anyway. I don't know if it's the right way to do it or not, but for us, we have always paid tithe on the gross amount of every penny that has ever come in since we first started tithing back in 1992. We look forward to tithing and know that, for us, it is the only way to go.

#2 - Stay focused. Keep your end goal in mind at all times. If something comes up and you can't afford to pay as much extra this month as you did's okay. Pay what you can. It all counts!

# 3 - Stay consistent. No matter how long it takes just keep on keepin' on! Many times I've stated that we were "digging our way out of debt one teaspoonful at a time" and man! Was that ever the truth! This has been a 22-year-long journey...BUT, with God's help (His wisdom, His direction, and His guidance) we've made it! When I started my part-time job almost six years ago we were $18,000 in debt (credit cards and medical bills combined)...and, I know, to many, that is nothing...but...for us...that was a mountain of debt! Our income (even with the part-time job) was (and still is) very small. When I started my job, we didn't make enough to pay the minimums on our bills, let alone have extra for groceries, gas, and utilities...BUT...we have never missed a meal, been late on or missed a payment, or gone without ANYTHING! In the natural the numbers don't add up, but for the past six years I have worked, consistently, to pay $300 to $700 a month towards debt-freedom and, now, it's finally here! I'm telling's all God! We've done our part and He's brought us through! Praise His holy name! 

#4 - Don't every give up. Even if you make mistakes along the way...and you will...don't let them get you down. You just jump right back up and get right back on track. You might have to back up a little bit to get back on track with where you were, but that's okay. In the end, it will be well worth it! I promise!!! 

There are so many more things that I could say about this, but I won't. If anyone has questions, though, or if I can be of encouragement or help to you in anyway, please, feel free to leave a comment below or email me at: Be sure and put DEBT FREEDOM in the subject line so I don't overlook it or accidentally delete it.


(deep sigh)

So...all that happened yesterday. 

Then, on TOP of all that...our youngest son and his family came up and they brought me an early Mother's Day gift. A brand new computer with a lot of extras! 

My Mother's Day Gift 2020

And there were other financial blessings that we hadn't figured into everything!



And...the list goes on!

I was (and still am) completely overwhelmed! God's goodness is great; His blessings are many! 

I'm trying to imagine what it's going to be like when I sit down at the beginning of May to figure the budget and don't have to schedule that $300 to $700 payment that I've done for years. That will be the first month in 22 years that I do not have to write out a check for, or schedule, a credit card payment (or medical bill payment). Amazing!

Anyway, I hope none of what I've said here appears haughty or prideful, because that is not how I feel and it's not what I want to convey. I want God to be glorified and I want to encourage others who may be where we've been. I want to let anyone who is in bondage to debt, and wants out, to know that there is hope! If we can do it...ANYBODY can do it! Sometimes it just takes a while. Stay strong and stay the course! You can do it!

Until next time...

Recent and related posts that you might enjoy reading...

Celebrating 28 Years Of Being Smoke Free 1992-2020

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Celebrating 28 Years Of Being Smoke Free 1992-2020

500+ Amazing Freedom Photos Pexels · Free Stock Photos
Photo Credit

I've done it again! I just realized that April 12th has come and gone and I missed celebrating the 28th anniversary of God's deliverance from a four-pack-a-day cigarette habit!

I know I've shared this testimony with you before, but it's definitely worth sharing again!

It was April 11, 1992 and, like I said, I was smoking four packs of cigarettes a day. (I had been smoking since I was 15, and was 31 at that point.) I had tried to quit smoking many times, but couldn't. Even though we weren't doing a very good job of it, John and I had committed our lives to the Lord, and were serious about getting our lives, and our household, in line with His Word. (Needless to say, we are still working on it!)

On the evening of April 11, 1992 I was sitting in a chair in our bedroom reading my Bible. I heard a voice, just as clear as day, say, "Throw your cigarettes and lighters away and wait 24 hours."

I immediately gathered up my cigarettes (I had an open pack, an open carton, and an unopened carton) and my lighters and headed for the trashcan in the kitchen. John was in the living-room and, when he saw me, he said, "What are you doing?"

Anyone who knows my husband knows that he HATES cigarettes (always has), and he hated me smoking them, but he was skeptical. He knew how many times I had tried to quit smoking before and how often I had failed. He knew how awful my lungs were. Not only did I smoke like a chimney, but I had chemically burned the lining out of my lungs a few years earlier when I accidentally mixed sulfuric acid and Clorox together in an attempt to unclog a toilet. (I ended up in a hospital emergency room over than one!) After that I could hardly breathe most of the time and couldn't even blow up a balloon for my children to play with!

Anyway, I threw the cigarettes away and I waited. That 24-hour period was one of the longest, most horrific times of my life, and, to be honest, I didn't think I'd make it through it. Yet, somehow, I knew, that if I did, the Lord had something very special waiting for me on the other side. 

Well, sure enough, the next night, on the evening of April 12 1992, I was sitting there reading my Bible. All of a sudden I had the most horrendous pain in my stomach. I looked up at the clock, and it was 11:00 p.m. I jumped up and had to get to the bathroom. I was in there until 4:00 a.m. My stomach hurt so bad! It wrenched in pain and I kept passing this black, tarry-like substance. When it was over, I knew that the Lord  had, literally, cleaned me out!

To this day, I've not been able to stand the thought of smoking another cigarette. I can't even stand the smell of one! It's been 28 years (and 2 days) and I STILL stand in awe of what the Lord did for me that night! It was a miracle! 

And, praise God! He is still in the miracle business today!!! Are you struggling with a cigarette addiction (or some other kind of addiction)? If so, I'd love to pray with you about it! Please, feel free to e-mail me privately at (please put PRAYER on the subject line so I don't delete it by mistake) and I will be happy to join you in prayer for deliverance from whatever it is that is holding you in bondage today. Be assured that the Lord is able! I've experienced it first hand! 

Blessed be the name of the Lord! And God bless YOU!

Until next time...

Recent and related posts that you might enjoy reading...

Home Management Monday - April 13, 2020

Monday, April 13, 2020

Home Management Monday - April 13, 2020

Greetings, Dear Ones! 💗 

I trust that, despite our current situation, that you and yours found ways to make the best of it and enjoyed an absolutely lovely Resurrection Weekend! 

I shared about Saturday's activities in Sunday's post, so will not reiterate all that, but yesterday was spent at home. We had church and worshiped online. Then, my cousin joined us for lunch. We ate and visited, watched movies, and visited some more. It was good to get together. 

How about you? How did you spend your Resurrection Sunday?


I awoke to...

... thoughts of the day and desire to get up and get started! 

What I'm thinking...

... about how to build my Norwex business. I signed up as a consultant a year ago, and, although I love my Norwex products and am learning to use them regularly, I haven't done too much about building a business. To be honest, I just haven't had time, up until now, but, lately, I've had enough time at home to really be thinking about it and I'm starting to realize that this company was made for such a time as this!

If anyone is interested in finding out more, here is a link to my Norwex site. Just click HERE.

Here's an interesting video to watch that tells about Norwex's microfiber...which is amazing and I absolutely love...

Amazing Clean With Only H2O - Click HERE.

I would appreciate any input, insight, and support anyone might care to give. Thanks! 

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What I'm thankful for...

... for my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, for our president and the leadership that he is exhibiting in the midst of all that is going on in our nation right now, for family, friends, and God's provision. 

No photo description available.
Flowering Quince 2013

On the breakfast plate...

... maple and brown sugar oatmeal and a cup of hot tea

The weather...

... at present it is sunny, but cold. We are under a freeze warning until 10:00 this morning. At present it is 33 degrees; the week ahead looks chilly and, possibly, wet.

This week's menu plan...

Monday - Leftovers from yesterday's lunch (ham, deviled eggs, bean salad, coleslaw, and cobbler)
Tuesday - Chicken and Wild Rice Soup, salad, and homemade French bread (freezer)
Wednesday - Turkey burgers, salad, and baked potatoes with cottage cheese
Thursday - Chicken pot pie and salad
Friday - Broiled salmon, mashed potatoes, and brussel sprouts
Saturday - Dh's night to cook
Sunday - Leftovers

On my 'to do' list...

... spend time in God's Word and prayer
... spend quality time with my husband
... check in on, and visit with, friends and family members via telephone and video chats
... work on my blog
... work around the house (clean, organize, do laundry)
... spend time outside
... watch 'Little House' reruns and sermons online
... crochet (Christmas gifts for the grands)
... read
... rest
... relax

On my reading pile...

Bible Prayer by Kenneth E. Hagin (Bible Study Course) 

From the camera...

Image may contain: flower, plant, nature and outdoor

Scripture verse...

No photo description available.

Well, Ladies, that's it for this week! I pray that each and every one of you have a great week ahead! Stay close the Lord and stay in His Word!

Until next time...