
Monday, October 30, 2017

31 Days of the Joys of Autumn - Bonfires


I know that bonfires have been mentioned in previous posts in this series, but tonight seemed to be the perfect night to focus on them.

I've looked forward to getting a fire-pit built and having a fire here at the new house since we moved in just over a year ago, but, thus far, it hadn't happened, and, as late as it was getting in the season, I had about given up on the idea again for this year.

Well, after returning home from a particularly long day today, my husband surprised me with the fact that he had gotten the fire-pit built while I was away, and that a cousin would probably be dropping off some firewood in a bit. I was finally going to get my long-awaited bonfire in my own backyard! I was tired, yes, but I was so excited! 

One of my cousin's and his sons did, indeed, deliver some firewood and, after supper, my husband went out and got everything set up. On the way out the door I grabbed the bag that I stash my dryer lint in and within just a few minutes we had a fire blazing in the backyard. ðŸ”¥

A couple of our neighbors ended up coming over and joining us around the fire-pit, as did our son and his family when they stopped in on their way home from visiting elsewhere.

Sitting around a warm fire on a chilly evening is definitely one of the joys of autumn and I'm so thankful that my husband surprised me with one tonight! 🔥

Until next time...

Recent posts that you might enjoy:

31 Days of the Joys of Autumn - Native American Cuisine


  1. Thrilled for you! Sounds like a very lovely evening with promise of many more to come. I enjoyed meeting Pat and Dave.

    1. It was lovely, Laura! And, yes, Pat and Dave enjoyed meeting you, too. Glad we got to stop in for a visit! It was wonderful seeing you and am so thankful that the Lord has blessed our friendship!


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