
Saturday, October 28, 2017

31 Days of the Joys of Autumn - Frost Flowers

Frost Flower 
I'm known, locally, as "the frost flower queen." 😄 The fascination with frost flowers started when we moved to southwest Missouri over 20 years ago. As far as I can remember I had never heard of them before that. I was first introduced to them by the, then, naturalist at Prairie State Park. Her name was Cyndi. 

Frost Flower 

After learning about frost flowers it became an annual tradition for our family to head out to Prairie State Park early in the morning on the first frosty day of the season to view frost flowers in all their beauty.

Frost Flower 

Over the years, what started out as a fascination, has now grown into a downright obsession. I can barely wait for those first, frosty days of autumn to come, so as to make the frost flowers appear.

Frost Flower 

What is a "frost flower," you may ask?'s neither frost, nor flower. How about that???

Frost Flower 

Only a few plants in Missouri form what is known as a "frost flower." The predominate plant in our area that does this is called the White Crownbeard.

White Crownbeard
Photo Credit
What happens is, when the ground is still warm enough to pump sap up through the plant's stem, but the outside air temperature drops below freezing, the sap in the plant's stem freezes, splitting the stem, and shooting the frozen sap out into delicate ribbons of ice, forming the fragile sculptures that we call "frost flowers." 

Frost Flower 

Like I said, my fascination with frost flowers has grown into an obsession, and I've anxiously been awaiting that first good cold that would allow me the chance of viewing the first beautiful frost flower of the season. was that day!

Frost Flower 

I wasn't sure that temperatures would be cold enough and, in most areas they weren't, but, it just so happens that there was an area of Prairie that had recently been brush-hogged and, laying open without any protection, the stem of every White Crownbeard plant that had been in that area of ground was producing a frost flower. There was a virtual sea of them! It was amazing!

Frost Flower 

I got to share this experience with a friend from work. It was her first time ever of seeing a frost flower. What an amazing thing it was to behold!

Frost Flower 

And the season is just beginning! There will be plenty more opportunities to get out into nature and experience this absolute beauty and wonder of God's handiwork. 

Frost Flower 

For me...frost flowers are definitely one of the joys of autumn, and it ranks about as high as it can get on the list! 

Until next time...

To find out how you and your family can learn more about frost flowers click HERE.

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  1. I've never heard about or seen frost flowers. Thank you for sharing!

    1. You’re welcome, Barbie! Thanks for stopping in and commenting. Have a blessed weekend! 💕

  2. They are beautiful! I'm in Missouri, too, but have never seen or heard of Frost Flowers. It seems like I have seen that white crownbeard flower before, but maybe it was something else I saw, does it grow in places other than the prairie?

    1. What part of the state are you in, Susie? White Crownbeard grows statewide south of the Missouri River.


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