
Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Tuesday Tidbits

This is just a picture that I found on the internet, but isn't it cute?
Our family has a long history with gingerbread men...especially
one in particular named Ralph. Maybe someday I will explain.

Greetings, Friends!

It's Tuesday and, thus far, I've accomplished absolutely none of what I needed to get done today. I did get caught up on some reading, though, and have pretty much figured out my Christmas gift, card, and to-do lists. I guess that all counts for something. 🎄

I have no energy at all. It was everything I could to do scrape the last of the Thanksgiving leftovers into a foil pan and make a shepherd's pie out of them for the freezer. That was it! I was done. 

At least the headache is gone and it was confirmed today that it's strep. The pharmacist should be here shortly with a round of antibiotics so we can nip this thing in the bud. There's too much going on at this time of the year to be messing around with stuff like this!

On the brighter side, though, it's been awesome to have some time to actually sit and think about things, and to think them out, AND I've even got to watch a few new-to-me Christmas movies on Amazon Prime, which never would have happened otherwise. That's been kind of fun! 🎄

Well...this is a really boring post...isn't it? I probably shouldn't even post it, but...hey! It's what's happening and what's on my it is! 

Have a lovely evening and I'll talk with you all again soon!

Until next time...

Happy Homemaking Monday - November 27, 2017

Happy Thanksgiving


  1. I keep trying to get more done and it just does not happen.....

    1. I hear you. The days are so busy anymore it seems. I crave quieter days with less going on. I desire quality as opposed to quantity. I think it's time to eliminate the unimportant and concentrate my efforts on what is. I will be lifting you up in prayer as you move forward through the holiday season. Blessing! <3

  2. Hope you are feeling better this morning! Considering I'm not sick at all (though both kids managed to catch nasty colds over Thanksgiving break) and am still working on my Monday to-do list, I'd say you're doing great at getting things done. Reading this reminds me that I'll have to check out the Christmas movie selection on Amazon Prime!

    1. Thanks, Jean! My throat isn't sore this morning. That's a HUGE plus! I managed to get what Christmas gifts I've purchased thus far wrapped last night. I feel like I'm miles ahead! Wow! One of the movies I liked most that I've watched on Prime was FALLING FOR CHRISTMAS. It's got Lisa Wenchell off of FACTS OF LIFE in it as the mom. It was good. Have a blessed day, my friend! And thanks for stopping in! <3

  3. Nothing boring here! I love reading your posts! And I am grateful that you are getting some antibiotics and hopefully will feel better soon. :-)

    1. Awwwww! Thanks, Jennifer! I truly appreciate your kind words and, yes! I'm feeling much better at this point. I didn't work today. Am conserving my energy for the 14 hour plus day that I've got to put in tomorrow. Have a blessed weekend! <3

  4. Strep? Sometimes you have to die to get better with Strep. No wonder you are down. Get well girl take the drugs.

    1. Mygoodness! Let's hope we don't have to go that far! LOL! Thanks for the well wishes! :)


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