
Monday, November 7, 2022

Master To-Do List and Menu Plan Monday - November 7, 2022

Good morning! Happy First Full Day After Daylight Savings Time Ended! 

I understand that a lot of people like it light later in the evening, but, me? I prefer the natural rythm of things...early sunrises and long evenings...especially in the winter. Honestly, I'd be happy either way if they'd just pick one way or the other and keep it that way!

It's also the first Monday of November and the holiday season is officially under way! Have you started making Thanksgiving plans or preparations yet? 

Thanksgiving 2020

Amber and I went shopping last Tuesday and found turkeys on sale for a good price, so we went ahead and got one. We also picked up fresh cranberries to be thrown in the freezer and plenty of canned pumpkin, as well as, other items that were on sale, so Thanksgiving preparations are well in hand here. 

This past Saturday we clebrated National Bison Day at work. On Friday my co-worker and I got everything set up for the event; on Saturday nearly a hundred people turned out to enjoy the festivities. 

There were naturalist-led hikes out to see the bison, crafts and activies of all kinds, and bison chili for anyone who chose to partake of it. 

It was a good day and the first National Bison Day that we've been able to enjoy (at least in the manner to which we were accustomed to) since before COVID. I think everyone had a pretty good time! 

Yesterday afternoon I got a sweet surprise when friends from Brazil messaged that they were going to be in the area and wanted to meet up at the park. It was a short visit, but it was so good to see them! 

Natalia and I on One of Our Many
Adventures Back in the Day

Natalia and I hadn't seen each other for four years (which is really hard to believe), but it didn't seem like it had been that long at all. We picked right back up right where we left off. I hope to see her and Fabio again very soon!

Raccoon @ the Low-Water Bridge

This week's master to-do list...

- clean house
- do laundry 
- vote in tomorrow's mid-term election
- get together with Carla
- pay property taxes
- go shopping with my cousin
- work
- get together with family back home for an early holiday celebration

Great Blue Heron @ the Low-Water Bridge

This week's menu plan...

I have a variety of leftovers from last week...broccoli, cheese, and rice casserole, butter and garlic pasta, stir fry, taco soup, and bison chili. I will probably freeze everything I can (especially the chili) and focus on using the other bits and pieces up as I can. I also have a variety of fresh vegetables that need used, so will probably make a stir fry or freeze what I can of those, too. 

Autumn Salt and Pepper Shakers

Well, that's it for today. I hope that your day is going well and that your week is off to a great start!

Until next time...

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  1. I'm with you on liking the early sunrises! It just feels wrong to me when the sun isn't up and it's almost 8 in the morning. I think I wouldn't mind DST so much if they hadn't stretched it out though (remember when it used to be over by Halloween?). Those salt and pepper shakers are so cute! Happy Tuesday!

    1. I hear you, Jean, and agree that sun up at nearly 8 a.m. is just plain wrong. And, wow! I had forgotten about that! DST did use to end much earlier back in the day!


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