
Thursday, July 28, 2022

Thursday Things - July 28, 2022

It's Thursday afternoon and I'm working up a three-pound package of turkey burger into turkey burgers and meatballs. The burgers are cooling and waiting to be packaged to go in the freezer, and the meatballs won't be far behind in doing the same. 

Scenic Overlook atop an Ozark Mountain

Amanda and Aaron and the girls ended up staying two nights at Patrick and Amber's before leaving this morning to make their way back to the city and home. 

Country Back Road

Yesterday they decided to take a day trip to visit a couple of state parks in two of the southernmost counties in our state...Big Sugar Creek and Roaring River...and invited me to tag along. 

Amanda, Aaron, Alysia, Kayla, and I Outside
the Lodge @ Roaring River State Park

Despite the fact that it was over 100 degrees, it was still a beautiful day. The sun was shining and the scenery was absolutely gorgeous. Sadly, though, the creeks and rivers were nearly dry. 

A Nearly Dry Creek Bed
@ Big Sugar Creek State Park

Roaring River

A Tiny Pool of Water Remained in This
Area of Roaring River State Park

Speaking of it being so dry, I was overjoyed to discover that it was raining when I awoke this morning, but, despite that, and despite the fact that parts of our state are getting historic flooding, here in southwest Missouri we are expected to remain in severe to extreme drought. My thoughts and prayers are with all who are experiencing both extremes, not only here in Missouri, but in other states, as well. 

Well, the meatballs are done and ready to cool, so I will be closing for now. I hope that you and yours are having a nice day and that all is well in your part of the country. Have a blessed evening.

Until next time...

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Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Tuesday Tidbits

It's Tuesday afternoon and I'm ready to settle down with a cup of tea.

Fiona is at the vet's. I had to have her there at 7:30 this morning and it's a little bit of a drive, so it was an early morning after little sleep. I felt sorry for her. She couldn't have anything to eat or drink after 8:00 last night, so she yowled all night long in an attempt to get my attention and let me know that her food and water was missing. Needless to say, neither of us got much sleep, but the kittens were oblivious. Their turn to take a trip to the vet will come in September.

Later in the afternoon...

I just got home from picking Fiona up from the vet's. They said she did well, but she's still pretty loopy from the anesthetic. She wobbled and swayed as she made her way to the back porch where she is now resting. I've got the door fixed where the kittens can't get to her right now because they're almost as big as she is and they're rough!

Praise! Buddy got out of the hospital yesterday and is home on a pick line. He will have to go for daily infusions for, like, ten days, and still has a ways to go before being fully recovered, but praise God he is alive, home, and getting better. All of this resulted from a brown recluse bite. He and Christy have a baby due today, so, please, keep both of them in your thoughts and prayers.

Amanda is doing better. In fact, she and her family are on their way down now to spend the night at Patrick and Amber's, but she can't be on her leg for extended periods of time, so she won't be able to return to work until next week. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers, too, and thank you so much!

I worked up, I don't know how many, yellow and zucchini squash yesterday. I cubed the crookneck, grated the zucchini, and popped them all in the freezer to use in recipes at a later date. I still have a couple of zucchinis and several patty pans to use up fresh, but I'm not sure what I'm going to do with them yet. I made zucchini cakes last night for supper (they're kind of like potato pancakes) and they were delicious!

Well, I need to be going. I've been working on this post in bits and pieces all afternoon. Amanda and Aaron and the girls should be at Amber's soon, so, if Fiona is doing okay, I will be heading over there shortly. 

Until next time...

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Monday, July 25, 2022

Master To Do List and Menu Plan Monday - July 25, 2022

After a long and arduous week and weekend, here we are, back around to Monday. I pray that all is well with you and yours. 

Pollinator on Blazing Star

Please be in prayer for my family, especially Amanda and Buddy. Both have made several trips to ER this past week and Buddy has been hospitalized for nearly a week. Hopefully, he'll be released today on a pick line; he and his wife have a baby due tomorrow. Please pray health, healing, and protection over all three of them. 

Praise! We got a little bit of rain yesterday! Not enough to make a difference really, but it sure felt good when it was coming down. In fact, two of my little grandkids across the street came over and we played in the rain for a few minutes. It was very refreshing!

Sunday's Sky When the Rain Was Moving In

I think we've got three more days of triple-digit temperatures, then, we finally fall back into the 80's and 90's with lows in the 60's and 70's. Those 80-some degree days with nights in the 60's are going to be heavenly and the rain chances increase, too. Sadly, we have been upgraded to moderate drought conditions though and area farmers are in trouble.

My coneflowers and zinnias have pretty
much burned up this summer.

Everything is in trouble! As dry as it is there's going to be very little food produced on the farm or anywhere else this year. I have a feeling that food shortages will be commonplace and even the wildlife is going to suffer greatly this winter. Put up everything you can while you can, because it's liable to be a rough winter for everyone.

Well, I don't have a lot of time this morning, so I'm going to cut this post short and get on with it. Let's take a look at the week ahead, shall we?

Nap Time with Tiger

This week's master to-do list...

- clean house
- do laundry
- take a food inventory
- organize fridge, freezer, and cabinets
- put up produce from my son's garden
- start making a list of what needs to be done before fall and winter
- take Fiona to the vet
- welcome a new granddaughter into the family
- work
- attend granddaughter, Heather's, wedding shower 
- celebrate granddaughter, Mercy's, birthday #7

This week's menu plan...

I'm not going to make a formal menu plan this week. I have quite a bit of fresh stuff on hand that needs eaten or worked up and put away, and a variety of odds and ends that need used up in the fridge and freezer. My goal is to focus on those things this week and, hopefully, have a plan for August in place by next week. 

Saturday Night's "Blue Hour"
My View Across the Street

That's all for today. You have a nice day and a great week ahead!

Until next time...

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Thursday, July 21, 2022

Quick and Easy Cucumber Salad

I discovered this quick and easy cucumber salad online and have made it my own. I not only eat it alone as an accompaniment to a main meal, but add it on top of a tossed salads, pasta dishes, and more. I've never been a huge cucumber salad fan, but, honestly, I can't get enough of this one! It's super yummy!


1 pound cucumbers, thinly sliced
1 1/2 teaspoons sugar
1 1/2 teaspoons salt
2 1/2 tablespoons red wine vinegar
1/2 small onion, thinly sliced

Peel and thinly slice cucumbers and onion into a bowl (preferably one that comes with an airtight lid). Sprinkle with sugar and salt; add red wine vinegar and seal. Store in refrigerator for, at least, 20 minutes to chill before serving, but it will last for days. 

Until next time...

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Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Extreme Heat and A Call to Prayer

"Extreme heat is sweeping the country right now with many areas of the U.S. facing temperatures that could feel like 115 degrees with heat and humidity on Tuesday.

As temperatures are heating up from coast to coast, 60 million people are expected to face temperatures in the triple digits in the coming days.

"We have never put a forecast out quite like this," reporter chief meteorologist Travis Herzog on KTRK-TV Houston.
For the first time ever, the Houston forecast predicts 10 days straight of 100 degrees or higher temperatures, and Dallas is on track to break heat records.

"We'll be up around 108, 109, and the record high as it stands 110," said Meteorologist Greg Fields of WFAA Dallas.

Texans are being asked to conserve electricity and water with looming concerns over the power grid's ability to handle the high demand during the high heat."

I'm seeing a lot of reports like this one from CBN and the situation is getting serious. As if things aren't bad enough already (skyrocketing food and fuel prices and the economy in general), if the areas of the U.S.A. that need rain don't get it soon, we are all going to be in trouble in the way of even higher food prices, food shortages, and things that most of us cannot even imagine at this point.

I am asking every single born-again Christian reading this post right now to stop and earnestly pray for rain and a break in these extreme temperatures. Pray over those that have to be out in it (people and animals alike) and do what you can to alleviate suffering in your immediate area. Purchase an extra case or two of bottled water and offer a bottle to those you see along the way that are out working in the heat. Put out fresh water daily for the birds and other animals that pass through your yard or neighborhood.

Call and check on elderly neighbors and, if you know of someone that doesn't have a fan or air-conditioning, do what you can to help. If you can't help, contact someone who can (area churches, housing and utility agencies, law enforcement, etc.) Someone out there will know how to contact the proper people to get help to those in need. Things are getting crazy out there, folks! It's time to come together and start looking out for one another again.

Until next time...

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Monday, July 18, 2022

Master To-Do List and Menu Plan Monday - July 18, 2022

Good morning! It's Monday! How was your week and weekend? My week here was good (for the most part anyway). 

Butterfly on Blazing Star

I finally got an appointment set for Fiona with the vet. She is scheduled to be spayed a week from tomorrow. The kittens can't be done until they are five months old, which won't be until September, so, hopefully, I can get them both done then. 

Tiger and Bear - They love playing in the
top of the closet in which they were born.

Carla went with me on Tuesday to pick up my new glasses. There is definite improvement in my vision. I can read road signs now, which is a huge blessing! Slowly, but surely my eyes are adjusting and I can see better now that I have in about six years. I am so thankful!

New Glasses - I got rid of the black 
and returned to my signature pink.

Tuesday evening I went to Patrick and Amber's for supper. Butch and Darla (Patrick's parents) were there, so it was good to see, and get in a good visit, with them.

I worked Thursday and Saturday. 

Friday morning Angie and I got together to look at pictures of the trip to Arkansas. We had a nice visit and lunch together afterwards.

My Cousin, Everett Lynn Brown

Friday afternoon my cousin, Everett passed away. He had had a heart attack the week before and was put on life-support; he passed away shortly after it was removed. Please be in prayer for his daughter and siblings. My "Lynn Twin" will sure be missed. 

Swope's Drive-In - Rich Hill, MO

Papinville Bridge

After church on Sunday my friend, Melissa, and I had lunch at Swope's in Rich Hill. After that we went sightseeing. We had a great time and an enjoyable afternoon.

Now, it's time to get on with a brand-new week. Time is short this morning, so let's get started, shall we?


This week's master to-do list...

- clean house
- do laundry
- repot plants that the kittens have destroyed and clean up the mess that they've made in the process
- clean and organize the Van Gogh room
- do some online shopping
- work
My Zinnias Growing in the Garden

This week's menu plan...

I was blessed with an abundance of fresh vegetables over the weekend, so will be focusing on using those up in a variety of dishes this week. My plan is to make zucchini muffins and zucchini brownies today, both of which can be frozen, and a cucumber salad that can be kept in the fridge and eaten throughout the week.

Monday - Hot dog, sweet potato fries, and cucumber salad
Tuesday - Zucchini lasagna with homemade French bread and cucumber salad
Wednesday - Broiled salmon, baked potato, green beans, and cucumber salad
Thursday - Oven roasted chicken breast, mashed sweet potato, green beans, and cucumber salad
Friday - Pasta, meatballs, and sauce with homemade French bread and cucumber salad
Saturday - Breakfast for supper
Sunday - Leftovers

Goldfinch in the Backyard

Well, Ladies, that's it for today! I hope your week is off to a great start. Happy Monday!

Until next time...

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Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Returning to Center

This past year has been difficult, at best. As the one-year anniversary of John's death approached I found myself becoming quite anxiety-ridden. I was dreading it so badly! 

In fact, with much help from the enemy of my soul, I almost talked myself out of the trip to Arkansas.  We (my oldest daughter and her family and I) would be returning home on the actual day of. I had no idea how I would be on the days leading up to it, but God is good and faithful, and His leading is sure. He arranged things to ease my way and gave me the strength to do it...and it was THE BEST thing that could have happened. God met me there on that mountaintop in Northwest Arkansas. I got some rest, had a great time, and got a reset from the Lord Himself. 

John and I had been friends since childhood, but we didn't marry until 1988. By then, both of us, with children from previous relationships and much baggage, even as messed up as we were, had started moving towards the things of the Lord. 

We belonged to the Blue Springs Free Will Baptist Church and, it was there, that we, and our children, received a good foundation built on solid Biblical teaching. For the eight years that we attended there, we were taught the fundamental basics of Christian living and were challenged to pursue Biblical manhood and womanhood. We started homeschooling, as well, as we continued to seek God and pursue Him, His Word, and His ways as a family. 

With a solid foundation under our belt, we moved into deeper water than ever before when, at the Lord's leading in 1996, we moved to Liberal, Missouri, into ministry, and the greatest adventure of living by faith that we had ever experienced. 

We did great for the first several years. Then, at some point, we got sidetracked and off into a deep ditch of reformed theology that was not good, and it did much damage to us and our family. 

From there, in an attempt to get away from where we had been, we hopped as far as possible over on to the other side of the road, all the while doing everything we could do, to avoid going off into the deep ditch on that side.

And, please, don't misunderstand what I am trying so say. I'm not saying anything bad about people on either side. There are elements on both sides that are good, right, and Biblical, and there are many real-deal, born-again Christians on both sides, but there are also tares among wheat and misuses of fundamental beliefs on both sides and THAT is what we were always fighting to avoid.

Anyway, at this time, after an extremely difficult year of trying to find my way and place in life, I find myself emerging into a new season. At the family camp in Arkansas, I could, literally, feel myself returning to center. I realized that, not only as a widow, but as an aged woman (Titus 2), God still has a plan for me. I can choose to ignore God's plan and stay messed up like I have been, or I can choose to embrace God's plan and live it out on a daily basis.

Am I frighted? A little. Do I know what I'm doing? Not even a little bit! Do I still miss my husband? Of course, I do, but all the crying, fretting, and missing him in the world is not going to bring him back. So, what do I do now? I get center of the road, bide my time, and carry out John and I's original vision in a way that would be pleasing and honoring to him. I embrace Biblical womanhood, pour myself into my children and grandchildren, do what I can with what resources I have, and stay committed to God's Word and the teachings therein. 

That's my plan. What that looks like, at this point, I cannot say, but, day by day, I will rebuild on the basic principles that John and I learned long, long ago and will keep moving forward as long as the Lord allows. 

Where are you in your walk with the Lord? Is there anything that I can pray with you about? If so, please, do not hesitate to contact me. 

Until next time...

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Monday, July 11, 2022

Master To-Do List and Menu Plan Monday - July 11, 2022

Good evening! It's after 9:00 p.m. and I'm just now getting around to working on today's post! How was your week and weekend?

I had a great weekend here. Patrick and Amber and the children were headed to Fort Rock Family Camp in Combs, Arkansas and they invited me to go with them. With the first anniversary of John's death coming up I was really hesitant to go, but, in the end, I did go and I'm sooo thankful that I did! We had a great time and a lot of fun!

Blockhouse #1

The cabins (blockhouses) were spacious, the Boston Mountains were gorgeous, the food was fantastic, and there were lots of activities to keep us busy!

The View From the Window of My Cabin

The children enjoyed a 200-foot-long slide that was partially underground, zip-lining, hatchet-throwing, archery, fishing, paddle-boating, games, and more. I joined in on a few of the activities, but I mostly took a lot of pictures.

Horseback Riding





Family Games

Front Porch Sittin'

I had my own cabin and got to spend a lot of much-needed down time without distraction. I spent time in the Word, took naps, walked, and enjoyed God's beautiful creation in all its glory. My mind hadn't been that clear in years.

My Cabin

In addition to all the fun and games, we had devotions each morning and a short chapel service each evening. We had fellowship with other believers and met some new friends along the way. 

It was a wonderful get-away and it's one that, we hope, can be repeated someday, but, next time, in the fall. I'm sure that the Boston Mountains would be even more glorious then than are in summer!

Yesterday was the one-year anniversary of my husband's death. I have dreaded the day coming for weeks, but, once it finally, arrived it wasn't so bad. We were traveling home from Arkansas that morning and that evening a friend was here and she and I, along with Tony's help in lighting it, sent off a lantern to commemorate the one-year mark as close to the time of death as possible. For me, it was a letting-go, of sorts...not of my love for him, but of the holding on so tightly to the memories. 

It's hard to explain, but, the Lord did a great work in my heart this weekend and it was good. Yesterday was the one-year mark; today it was time to arise, wash myself (2 Samuel 12:20-23), and get on with life. It's time to focus on, and pour myself into, the living. 

Fort Rock 2022

Okay...enough about all that! The day is getting away from me! On with today's post!

This week's master 'to-do' list...

- clean house
- do laundry
- wash bedding
- clean and wipe down the fridge
- pick up new glasses
- set a vet appointment for Fiona
- shop for groceries
- figure mid-month budget and go over finances
- go to the bank
- answer a letter or two
- spend time with family and friends
- work

This week's menu plan...

Monday - Sandwich and chips
Tuesday - Turkey Italian sausage, baked sweet potato, and sauteed spinach
Wednesday - Tortellini, sauce, and garlic bread
Thursday - Cheese burger and sweet potato fries
Friday - Broiled salmon, baked potato, and green beans
Saturday - Breakfast for supper
Sunday - Leftovers

That's it for now. It's time for bed. You have a good night and a great week ahead! 

Until next time...

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