Monday, January 15, 2024

Master To-Do List and Menu Plan Monday - January 16, 2024

It's Monday morning and here in southwest Missouri we're in the deep-freeze! It's -2 with a windchill of -10, which is better than it was yesterday (-6 with a windchill of -25) and there is snow on the ground. What's the weather like where you're at?

For Christmas granddaughter, Alysia, gave me a cookie mix-in-a-jar gift. I whipped the 'whole grain chippers' up last night (quick and easy!) and am enjoying a couple with a cuppa hot tay this morning.

Whole Grain Chippers

The cookies are quite tasty and full of all kinds of good things including sunflower seeds! I will get the original recipe from Amanda and share it here in future.

How was your week and weekend? Mine here were good!

I got a great deal of cleaning, sorting, and organizing done on the homefront last week and worked at the park Friday and Saturday. 

I presented a program on 'Animals in Winter' on Friday. Due to the weather (super cold and very windy) only a handful of participants showed up, but we had a good time.

It was extremely cold on Saturday, but I was the only one working and it was glorious! The wind had calmed considerably and the sun was shining. 

Tallgrass Prairie Sunrise on a Frosty Morn

I saw bison coming and going...

Bison Silhouetted Agains Morning Sky

Winter Grass Against a Backdrop of Grazing Bison

...and there were frost flowers!

It was such a good day!!!

After church on Sunday I enjoyed a quiet afternoon with family, rested, and read. It was a nice weekend all the way around.

Now, here it is...Monday morning and the start of brand new week! Let's get started on today's post, shall we?

This week's master to-do list...

- Clean house
- Do laundry
- Deep clean bedroom, hallway, and bathroom
- Get a couple of small home maintenance projects done (not sure which ones yet...need to make a list and pick one or two for the week)
- Present a library program on animal tracks
- Shop for groceries
- Work on craft projects for Christmas
- Read
- Hopefully get my van back (it's been out of commision for almost a month now and in the shop since January 1st) 
- Work

This week's menu plan...

- Monday - Tortellini With Creamy Tomato Sauce and homemade French bread
- Tuesday - Broiled Salmon, mashed potatoes, corn on the cob, and peas
- Wednesday - Broccoli cheese and rice casserole
- Thursday - Turkey burger and oven fries
- Friday - Homemade pizza
- Saturday - Breakfast for supper
- Sunday - Leftovers

Well, that's it for today! I hope you and yours are healthy, happy, and snug as a bug in a rug...especially if you're in an area that is experiencing extremely cold temperatures.

Until next time...

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  1. Hello- your photos are beautiful ❤️ north center Oklahoma and our weather is like yours. We’ve been below freezing for days. Thankfully our heater works great and we are staying home

    1. Hello, Rhonda! For some reason I am just now seeing this comment! Thank you so much for dropping in and leaving it! Yes, that was quite a cold snap, but, praise God! We're having such beautiful weather now! I'm hoping for crocuses very soon! ❤️

  2. Blessings to you Rebecca! And happy 2024 to you 🌟 It has been frigidly cold up here in the WI northwoods as well. I always love your pics. :) And your job seems so interesting! If you get a chance pop over and say hi and enter my blogaversary giveaway! Love my blogland friends and want to show appreciation. 🙏🏻 Blessings on the rest of your week. xo

    1. Hello, Carrie! For some reason I am just now seeing this comment! Happy 2024 and I'm sorry that I missed your blogaversary! Congratulations! How's the weather up that way now? I saw it was in the 50's at Ely yesterday! Wow! Hope you're having a great February! Blessings, Sweet Friend! ❤️


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