Monday, July 22, 2024

Master To-Do List and Menu Plan Monday - July 22, 2024 (The Late Edition)

It's late Monday evening and I'm just now getting a chance to sit down and post. I won't spend a lot of time writing, but will caption photos taken to give you a glimpse into this past week. 

Visited the Boston Mountains in NW Arkansas twice this week when
riding down with Amber to take the kids toand from Youth Summit.

While at Fort Rock, and after years of being afraid of
them, I finally made friends with a horse! In fact, I
was completely surrounded by them and had absolutely
no fear at all. It was a marvelous experience!

Summer Sky Over Tallgrass Prairie

Buckeye Butterfly

This week's master to-do list...

- Clean house
- Do laundry
- Take clothes and other donation items to thrift store and drop-off location
- Wash van and check fluids
- Shop for groceries
- Attend a Jubilee planning meeting at work
- Work

Got to spend a little time with my great-grandson, Cooper, when
his grandma (my daughter-in-law, Angie) brought
him to the local library where I was there presenting a program.
Those eyes melt my heart every time!

This week's menu plan...

Monday - Breakfast for supper
Tuesday - Turkey burger and baked potato
Wednesday - Green pepper casserole (freezer), green beans, and corn-on-the-cob
Thursday - THM's Eggroll in a Bowl (one of my favorites!)
Friday - Homemade pizza
Saturday - Brown rice pasta, sauce, and meatballs
Sunday - Leftovers

Morning Glories Blooming in My Garden

That's all for tonight! Have a great week ahead! 

Until next time...

Recent and related posts that you might enjoy reading...

Monday, July 15, 2024

Master To-Do List and Menu Plan Monday - July 15, 2024

It's Monday morning and, here in southwest Missouri, the heat is on! Temperatures in the triple-digits are expected and we're under a heat advisory until 8 p.m. tonight. I got out and did my weed-eating early.

Wildflower Garden @ Work

Thoughts and prayers go out to President Trump, his family, the families of the ones that lost their lives at the rally in Butler, Pennsylvania on Saturday, and our nation as a whole. I don't care which side of the fence you're on, that was just plain wrong! Thank God for His goodness, mercy, and loving hand of protection. 

President Trump Assassination Attempt
Saturday, July 13, 2024 - Butler, Pennsylvania

Let's take a look at the week ahead...


This week's master to-do list...

- Clean house
- Do laundry
- Organize craft and program supplies
- Present a program on vultures at the local library
- Make a day trip to Arkanas with Amber and the grands
- Work

Blue Sage

This week's menu plan...

- Monday - THM eggroll in a bowl
- Tuesday - Fish wrap and sweet potato fries
- Wednesday - Out
- Thursday - Turkey Italian sausage with baked potato and green beans
- Friday - Homemade pizza (frozen)
- Saturday - Breakfast for supper
- Sunday - Leftovers

Finally Saw Some of This Year's Babies

That's it for today! Have a beautiful day! 

Until next time...

Recent and related posts that you might enjoy reading...

Monday, July 8, 2024

Master To-Do List and Menu Plan Monday - July 8, 2024

It's Monday afternoon and, as usual, the day is slipping away from me. For those in the United States of America, I hope that you and yours had a lovely Independence Day as, together, we celebrated our nation's 248th birthday.

My Red Geranium

Half of my children, their families, friends, and I attended Faith, Family, and Fireworks in Lamar on the evening of the third. We had a great time enjoying free hot dogs and chips, playing bingo, seeing old cars, taking riding wagons, getting our faces painted, and watching the fireworks.

Shared with permission from Leena Harris. Thank you, Leena!

On the 4th, I went over to Patrick and Amber's to enjoy the holiday with family and friends. There was plenty of good food, fellowship, fun, and fireworks. All-in-all Independence Day 2024 turned out to be a great holiday! 💖🤍💙

Cicada Getting Ready to Come
Out of It's Shell

This week's master to-do list...

- Clean house
- Do laundry
- Wash bedding
- Celebrate Audrey's birthday
- Attend Project Wild and Project Growing Up Wild (through work)
- Pick up a few items at the store
- Work
- Present a program on butterflies
- Figure mid-month budget and bills

Treefrog That Hangs Out in the Red 
Geranium on the Back Porch

This week's menu plan...

Monday - Chicken and black bean quasadilla
Tuesday - Out
Wednesday - Out
Thursday - Eggroll in a bowl
Friday - Stuffed pepper casserole (freezer)
Saturday - Homemade pizza (freezer)
Sunday - Leftovers

Just got done watching today's podcast on THM's Youtube channel and it is sooo good and fear not! It has nothing to do with food, diet, or weightloss. Deconstructing Ourselves and Finding Our Value in God with Lisa Bevere: Part 2 has everything to do with overcoming anger, fear, unbelief, and other obstacles that keep you from experiencing God's unique love for you.

When you get a chance, please, take a few minutes (okay...a little over an hour) and listen. It's so worth it!

Until next time...

P.S. - There's still a few days left to get your 'Homemaker's Friend Daily Planner' at a 10% discount. Click HERE and use coupon code 10RK. Offer ends July 11, 2024.

Recent and related posts that you might enjoy reading...

Friday, July 5, 2024

Homemaker's Friend 2025 Daily Planner - Get a 10% Discount With Coupon Code

I've been using and sharing Sue Hooley's 'Homemaker's Friend Daily Planners' for a long time now.

I first became aquainted with the planners when my husband bought the 2015 edition for me for my birthday back in August of 2014. That was 10 years ago!!! 

Now, here we are in 2024, and the 2025 edition of the 'Homemaker's Friend Daily Planner' has just been released! As an affiliate, Sue Hooley has graciously extended a 10% discount to my readers!

To get the discount, visit Sue's site (click HERE), order the planner, and, when checking out, use the coupon code 10RK. That's it! But hurry! This offer ends July 11, 2024!

Does anyone else here use the 'Homemaker's Friend Daily Planner'? If so, please, share what some of your favorite features are in the comment section below.

Until next time...

Recent and related post that you might be interested in reading...


Monday, July 1, 2024

Master To-Do List and Menu Plan Monday - July 1, 2024 - The Late Edition

After an absolutely gorgeous weekend of perfect days and cooler temps, the hot and steamy weather has returned with a vengence. Happy First of July! 

Wildflower Garden @ Work

It's been a full day and I've progressed little towards getting this post written, so, as evening turns into night, I'm going to just go ahead and post this week's to-do list and menu plan. 

Out on Gayfeather Trail With the Grandsons
Last Night - The Weather Was Beautiful!

This week's master to-do list...

- Clean house
- Do laundry
- Clean fridge
- Figure July budget and bills
- Pay bills
- Make red, white, and blue jello
- Attend Faith, Family, and Fireworks in Lamar
- Celebrate the 4th of July @ daughter and son-in-law's
- Celebrate the birthdays of two grands
- Work

Gray-headed Coneflower

This week's menu plan...

Monday - THM's Eggroll in a Bowl
Tuesday - Cheeseburger with sauteed peppers and onions
Wednesday - Out
Thursday - 4th of July @ daughter and sils
Friday - Low-carb chicken quesadilla with black beans
Saturday - Homemade pizza (freezer)
Sunday - Leftovers

Sunset Over Tallgrass Prairie

That's all for now! I hope your Monday went well and that your week is off to a great start!

Until next time...

Recent and related posts that you might enjoy reading...

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Thursday Things - June 27, 2024

I'm in the midst of another whirlwind week with lots going on, but I wanted to take a few mintues to catch up and say hello!

I've been working like crazy to get my Zazzle store up and running and have ordered several items to have on-hand to sell outright. I have hundreds of photos saved to make into product, but it's just going to take time. I'm working on a 2025 calendar right now.

My friend, Jenny, has a pop-up community market and she has graciously allowed me to put some of my things in her shop. I will be adding more things as time goes on, but I am certainly grateful for this opportunity to get some stuff out there to the local public close to home.

I discovered a good stand of white crownbeard growing in my backyard last night. A co-worker had given me a couple of plants back in 2017 and they produced frost flowers that fall, but, by the following year, they were gone. 

Last year I noticed two very tiny, spindly-looking plants growing in another part of my yard where there had never been any before. I was surprised last night to find about a dozen-and-a-half tall, strong, and robust plants growing in that same area. I will have frost flowers in abundance in my backyard for sure this year!

Some people call white crownbeard "wing stem" because of the little winged appendages that grow along the stem. 

Other people refer to white crownbeard as "frost plants" because of the beautiful, frosty creations that form at the base of the plants when temperatures plummet.

To learn more about frost flowers click HERE

Granddaughters, Esther and Hannah, both celebrated birthdays this week 

Esther's birthday was Tuesday; Hannah's was yesterday.

I enjoyed celebrating with both!

Well, the day is getting away from me and I have much to do, so I will go for now, but I hope to see you again soon!

Until next time...

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