Sunday, April 28, 2019

Spam Spoiler

Since the beginning of the month I have received nearly 800 comments on my blog from people who have posted anonymously and none of the comments are relevant to my content. 

A few of them are okay, but, for the most part, they either don't make sense or are in a foreign language...and some of them are right down nasty! Trying to wade through them to get to comments by faithful friends and true blog followers has been a nightmare! 😱 

BUT...after very nearly driving me to the brink of insanity, I finally figured out how to deal with them so they can't bother me anymore and I am praying over those that have posted them. God knows who they are. He knows each and every one of them by name...who they are, where they are, and how to reach them. I pray laborers into the paths of each and every one of these people...laborers that can reach them for Christ and I pray that every single one of them gets saved, filled with the Holy Spirit, and devotes the rest of their lives to sharing the Gospel message with others. Honestly, that is my prayer for them. 🙏

And, to my readers, please note...I'm pretty sure I've got the problem solved, but, just to be on the safe side, if you are a regular blog follower and you comment anonymously, please, please, PLEASE, sign with your first name or initials or something so I know that you're for real. I would probably be able to tell by what you wrote, but, then again, who knows? A little extra precaution certainly couldn't hurt. 😉

Blessings over all! 

Until next time...

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Recipe: Cinnamon Rolls


  1. I'm sorry you had to sort through all of those comments. How aggravating! Love your blog. <3

    1. Thanks, Evie! I'm pretty sure that I figured out the key to getting it stopped. Haven't had but one or two anonymous comments since posting last night. Thanks for loving my blog! :)


I value your readership and love reading your comments! Please leave one today so that I know you were here! Have a wonderful day and God bless you!