Monday, October 2, 2023

Monday Musings - October 2, 2023

It's the first Monday of October and, as Lucy Maud Montgomery said, "I'm so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers!" because, as someone else said, "October is my favorite color!" 😆

As has been the case with most, the last week has fairly flown by in a blur. I had school groups on Wednesday and programs Friday and Saturday. 

At Friday's 'Looking At Leaves' program the children enjoyed plenty of fresh air and sunshine as they explored the campground and picnic areas. We collected leaves, learned about why leaves change colors, and made leaf rubbings.

On Thursday my aunts came down to visit. One of them had never been to the park where I work, so we did the tour in the morning, then enjoyed lunch and visiting with family in the afternoon. 

Yesterday my friend, Melissa, brought me a bag of cookie cutters. She had found them at a yard sale. She knew I collected certain ones, but wasn't sure what was actually there. Ironically, one of the few cutter-shapes that I didn't have (from the vintage sets that I collect) was in the bag, as was the center (hole-cutter) of a vintage donut cutter... (JUST the center)

I have my mom's donut cutter, but the center was missing. Now, instead of just cutting biscuits with it, I can make donuts again should I choose to. Thanks, Melissa!!!

Well, I've been invited over to a friend's this evening for supper so I need to be going. I hope to be with you again very soon!

Until next time...

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  1. Enjoyed reading your blog! Thanks for writing today! Love ya, Angie

    1. Thanks, Angie! I appreciate you stopping in and commenting! Thank you! Love you, too!

  2. October is a pretty color but my fav one to say is "Ocean is my fav color!" Watching the leaves change is pretty and awesome but it saddens me as I know cool weather is on the way. My body does much better with warm or hot temps. Living in AL is warmer than most places in the fall/winter but I opt for spring and even better summer temps year round! I did a blog post a while back titled "NATIONAL FALL FOLIAGE WEEK" and I repost it every year. The observance was created by the Yankee Chef, Jim Bailey. Thanks so much for linking up at the #UnlimitedLinkParty 131. Pinned.

    1. I daresay, Dee, that "ocean" would be my oldest daughter's favorite color as well! I understand your body needing the warmer weather, but, as for myself, give me year-round, endless fall and winter with a little spring thrown in here and there for good measure! Most every year I could skip summer altogether; this year, apparently, I did! Crazy! I will go over and read your "NATIONAL FALL FOILAGE WEEK" article now! Thank you so much for dropping by and leaving a comment and blessings for a great rest of the week!

    2. Yes, ocean is such a pretty color 🌴

  3. Hello! I too, love October. I remember being in the marching band in high school. Our little town was surrounded with beautiful mountains. For a few days in mid~October each year, we could stand on the football field, and see the most amazing display of color ever. I still think of that after all these years. Have a lovely October!

    1. What beautiful memories, Billie Jo! Your talk of high school marching band, your little town, mid-October, and the football field evoked a few memories of my own. Not the amazing display of color that you talk of here, but the annual homecoming game.

      Each class represented (freshman, sophmore, junior, and senior) would secretly work on a float that would be revealed and featured in the homecoming parade on the afternoon of the big game; the night before, the annual snake dance took place down the main street of town, where it ended at the football field with a huge bonfire!

      Thanks for joggoing those awesome autumn memories, Billie Jo! Have a great rest of the week and an absolutely gorgeous October!


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