Saturday, December 9, 2023

One of Those Rare Saturdays and Family Christmas Traditions

This is one of those rare Saturdays that I'm not at work. Today is Family Christmas!

(And I cannot wait to see the latest issue of The Family Christmas Chronicle that Patrick and Amber's family publishes each year as a gift for the whole family! YEAH!)

The tradition of having Family Christmas the second Saturday in December developed years ago when Amanda, was working for a state park north of Kansas City. It was the only weekend that she could get off during the Christmas season due to the park closing to host a managed deer hunt each year.

Even though Amanda no longer works for state parks, after doing it this way for over a decade and a half, we decided to just keep the tradition. This frees up each individual family within the clan to spend Christmas Day on their own with their children, out of town, with in-laws, or however they choose. It works well for all of us and my husband and I never minded deferring to our children and their in-laws on Christmas Day. 

John and I were so blessed when our own children were growing up. We were both only children and holidays weren't complicated.

My Mom and I - Christmas 1966

John Back in the Day in His Naruh Jacket
Still makes me giggle! 😄

When our children were young Christmas was celebrated at our house and we hosted his mom and my parents. Sometimes my mother-in-law would come over on Christmas Eve and spend the night with us. That always made Christmas even more special!

This is my third Christmas season without John. Even though I greatly look forward to sharing the afternoon and evening with my children and grands, I still feel the loss of my husband and, as I prepare to go, I am acutely aware of his absence. 

John - Christmas Eve 1987

Christmas was always so special to us! John proposed to me on Christmas Eve and we married on Valentine's Day. 

Christmas Eve 1987

John and I always celebrated Christmas Eve with homemade lasagna, homemade bread, and sparkling grape juice. 

When the kids were young, he and I would wait until they were asleep and then late into the night we would exchange gifts and have our own little celebration of sorts. 

After the children were grown and married, John and I continued to celebrate Christmas Eve with lasagna, homemade bread, and sparkling grape juice. Any of the children and their families that could join us was welcome to do so. 

Christmas Eve Lasagna With the Fam

Even without John here now I have tried to keep the Christmas Eve lasagna tradition going and plan to keep that tradition going for as long as possible. 

Well, I have much more that I would like to share with you, but time is running short and I need to get the last minute details of my food put together and get things loaded up for transport to Patrick and Amber's. 

Thank you for listening to my reminiscent ramblings. I pray that you and yours are having a lovely Saturday!

Until next time...

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  1. Hope you had a wonderful family Christmas. Thinking of you this season. I was on here to find your sugar cookie recipe, our favorite from the first time I tried it. Merry Christmas!

    1. I did, Jean! Thank you! Glad to know that you've adopted the sugar cookie recipe. They're the best!!! Blessings for the New Year!

  2. I loved the reminiscing. Your husband was a handsome man. It has been a long time since I have seen or thought of a Nehru jacket. I like the lasagna on Christmas Eve.

    1. Thank you, Linda! I appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts. Yes, my husband was a handsome man and I miss him! This year's Christmas Eve lasagna was good, as always. I hope that you and yours had a very Merry Christmas and wish you all the best in the New Year! Blessings! <3


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