Tuesday, April 30, 2024

My Thrifty Week - Post #11

It's been a very long time since I've posted a 'My Thrifty Week' post but, in future, I really need to get on the ball and get back to basics. I hope to make 'thrifty week' posts a regular feature.

Here are a few of my latest 'thrifty' finds...

- Kerrygold Unsalted Butter was on markdown at Walmart. I bought 4 packages for $2.50 each. Normally, they're $3.98.

- A friend gave me three bunches of fresh green onions. I sliced each bunch up and froze in batches. I will use them in upcoming recipes.

- Speaking of onions...I found onion sets (package of 100 bulbs) at Walmart marked down to $1.00 on clearance. That's a penny a piece for fresh green onions right out of my own garden! 

- The hot water tank went out (again!). Parts are ordered and should be here by early next week. Bright side? Until it's fixed I'm saving $$$ on liquid propane. 😉

Update - They sent the wrong part and, as of now, the part needed is NOT on order. Hopefully, they will get things straightened out and the right parts will be on their way soon.

- Sheet sets were on markdown at Walmart yesterday for 50% off. I found a lovely Better Homes & Garden twin sheet set for the roll-away marked down from $21.98 to $11.00. Very pretty!

That's some of my recent 'thrifty' finds. Feel free to share some of yours in the comment section below. 

Until next time...

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  1. Hello, you did get some good buys, I love the sheets! That's a great deal on those onion sets too. Even the little bunches at the market are so expensive now. I hope you do more thrifty posts. I always enjoy those. Annie

    1. Thanks, Annie! I appreciate you letting me know that you like the thrifty posts. I will try to remember to jot things down as I go along and post them more often. And, yes, the sheets are really pretty! As for the onions, I'm hoping we get a break in the weather so I can get them in the ground soon. Have a great rest of the week and a terrific weekend! Blessings!


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