Wednesday, November 7, 2012

A Wife's Prayer

"Father, I  pray  that our marriage will become more and more intimate and harmonious,  like the relationship between You and  Your Son. Enable me to do my part in stimulating this unity by respecting, admiring and submitting to the one You have given me to be my leader. Thank You that Your design for marriage is for our good, that we may find maximum gladness and fulfillment, and for Your glory as together we reveal You to others.
Thank You for uniquely designing me to be a helper suitable to my husband. May he be, next to You, the number one person in my life--at the top of my daily priority list. Make me sensitive to his needs and delighted to meet them. Cause me to chatter less and listen more, to understand his intentions and cooperate with his ideas and plans, to have a teachable, flexible spirit that does not insist on my viewpoints  or my way of doing things. Above all, love him through me with Your unconditional love for him that will overshadow his faults and failures and support him in the hour of his temptation. Cause me to focus my thoughts on the things about him that I admire, and give me the words to express this admiration to him. I want to be wholeheartedly on his team, his greatest supporter and fan.
Make me aware of the slightest deviation from this Your way for me. And  when I offend him by word or attitude, give me the grace to see his forgiveness immediately, though it be a dozen--or even a hundred--times a day.
Cause me always to remember that Christ is my life--that He is a tremendous power within me, making me sufficient to be the helper my  husband needs. Together may we show our children, in 'living color,' an example of Your love.
In Jesus name...Amen!"
(Taken from Scriptural Relationships in the Home Workbook by George Sanchez-A Navigator Seminar on the Family-pages 36-37 and originally posted on Proverbs 31 Woman 2 12/8/02)

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