Thursday, July 6, 2017

Five Minute Friday - PLAY

Five Minute Friday a free write, which means, as our hostess, Kate Motaung, says, " editing, no over-thinking, no worrying about perfect grammar or punctuation. Just write."

This week's prompt is: PLAY


My husband, John, and I were talking one evening and he said something romantic to me...something to the effect of, "My eyes were created to look at hands to touch you." At that moment vivid memories flashed through my mind's eye. 

John's dad and my dad were best friends and they spent a lot of time together. Four to five times a week our families were together so our dads could play guitars. Since John and I were both only children, that meant that we spent a lot of time entertaining each other as we, literally, grew up together. (He is 8 years older than me though...I remind him all the time that he will always be older than me! LOL). 

Anyway, when I was very young (age 5 on up into my early teens) John and I would spend a lot of time together at his piano. He would play and I would listen and watch him play for hours! I loved it! 

The most vivid memory that I have of us growing up is just what he said...his eyes and his hands...his eyes when he would turn to the side to look at me and smile as he played, and his hands as they moved beautifully up and down the keyboard of that piano. Beautiful memories! Thank you, God! 


Until next time...

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  1. Loved this, Rebecca. Thank you so much for sharing this special memory, and for bringing some light to the hearts of your readers.

    #2 at FMF this week.

  2. Playing the piano...another take on PLAY. Love this post.

    1. Thanks, Susan! Appreciate you taking the time to drop in and comment. I tried to get to some of your posts, but for some reason it won't let me. If you know how to fix that, please, let me know. Thanks! And blessings!

  3. Thank you for sharing your view of {play} I wrote about my desire to play the piano. I love that connection! Bless you with a feast of JOY!

    1. Thanks, Lisa! Appreciate you taking the time to drop in and comment. I tried to get to some of your posts, but for some reason it won't let me. I think it's me. I do NOT understand Google+ at all. If you what I should I do, please, let me know. Thanks! And blessings! :)

  4. Replies
    1. (blushing) Yes...he tends to be that way. I think it's all that Italian blood in him. :D

  5. Absolutely! Yes, he is! LOL! Thanks, Marie! :)

  6. What a wonderful memory! Thanks for sharing....seems like so many wonderful memories happen around a piano!!


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