Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Second-Quarter Thrift Plan

Somehow this post (that was originally planned to be published towards the end of April) ended up buried in the list and was never published at all. Being as I discovered it today, I am going to go ahead and publish it as originally written. Forgive the delay. The dates are off, but the information is the same.

As we move in to the second-quarter of 2023 (April-June), I want to fine-tune in the area of finances. I got a nice raise, effective the end of March, for which I am very thankful and I want to be a good steward of all that the Lord blesses me with. Here are some of the thoughts I have about second-quarter finances...

- I plan to be working extra hours during the months of April, May, and June. My plan is to deposit as much of the extra money into my savings account as possible. That will be after using some of it to complete, at least, one of the bigger projects on my Spring Bucket List.

- We became debt-free back in April of 2020 and, since then, even though I still use a credit card for some things (especially online purchases), I am careful to pay it off each month, in full, so as to avoid interest on even the smallest of purchases. I plan to continue paying off, in full, each month.

- There is plenty of food in the house, so, other than fresh items along here and there, I don't have to worry about that. I will continue to focus on using up the oldest stuff first and not replacing until absolutely necessary.

- The propane tank is full. I had it filled mid-March and, unless next winter is a bad one, I probably won't have to have it filled again until late-winter or early-spring of 2024. 280 gallons usually lasts me a year.

- I will continue to roll every cent of change received and put back for trips, Christmas, or whatever. We've done this for decades. When the children were young, our rolled change went towards Christmas every year; after the children were grown, our rolled change provided money for annual trips and get-aways for the two of us. Now, even though John is gone, I just keep putting it back. Someday I'll do something really special with it. 

- The main thing that I want to focus on during this second-quarter is using up odds and ends on-hand...almost empty bottles of cleaning supplies, almost empty bottles of health and beauty aids, etc....combining like-products into one bottle when possible, cutting down on shelf and storage space. I will replenish these items in late-summer or early-fall.

What about you? Do you have any financial plans or goals to share as we go into this second-quarter of 2023?

Until next time...

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  1. I too save all my change for Christmas.

    1. It's a great way to save and you don't even miss it, but, boy! It sure adds up fast, doesn't it? Good for you! Keep it up! <3

  2. This sounds like a good plan. It is wonderful to be prepared and plan things out and make money last. It is such a comfort, as well, to have a full tank of propane! God bless!

    1. Thank you, Mrs. White! I so appreciate you stopping in and commenting! Much of what I've learned about thrift and contentment over the years I have learned from you. Blessings! <3

  3. i personally have been trying to rotate as well but i seem to never be home to do much :-) Finances currently are a bit rough for us but i'm REALLY trying to focus on decluttering and selling things we don't need...and if it don't sell, its donated... i'd LOVE to be debt free.. eventually it will happen, i know that.. just gotta keep slogging away at it

    1. I understand, Becky! It's very difficult to stay on top of everything, but, little by little, we'll just keep at it. I personally believe that any progress is better than none. Am I right? I'm still working on cleaning the shed out on our old property. Someone else owns it now and they are extending a lot of grace by allowing me to get a little out at a time and I appreciate it. I am praying over your family now concerning finances. Decluttering here seems to be a never-ending job. I donate most stuff, but do have stuff that I need to figure out how to sell. Maybe I can focus on doing that at some point. The thing that worked for us on achieving debt freedom was following Dave Ramsey's 'Baby Steps' that applied to our situation. It wasn't easy, but it was worth it. Like I've often said, some days it felt like we were digging out of debt one teaspoonful at a time. Keep at it, Girl! You'll make it! And, when you do, you let me know so that I can rejoice with you! I will be praying for wisdom, insight, and unexpected resources that can go toward getting you there faster. God bless you, Sweet Sister! Stay the course!!! <3

  4. Good goals. We're saving our change, too. Also, I'm trying to use up bits and bobs.

    1. Thanks, Laura! Keep at it, my friend! Saving small change equals big bucks! Blessings!


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