Monday, November 13, 2023

Master To-Do List and Menu Plan Monday - November 13, 2023

I took a few moments this morning to stand on the back porch and watch leaves falling like rain in the backyard. It was so beautiful!

How was your weekend? Mine here was jam-packed...but great! 

I worked on Friday; early Saturday morning, I rode up home with Patrick and Amber, and their family, where Patrick had a chess tournament that day and Amanda and Aaron were having a double-birthday party for their girls that same evening. 

The chess tournament that Patrick was playing in was in a hotel next to Bass Pro in Independence. The area was absolutely lovely! There was a little lake and a walking trail right behind (and between) the two businesses that connected them.

Audrey and I took the two younger girls with us and walked part of the lake trail and visited Bass Pro...which was gorgeous! (I have visited the Bass Pro in Springfield many times, but none of these businesses were there when we lived in the area, so all of this area was new to me.)

Later in the day, Buddy and Christy and their family met us at Bass Pro. 

We left from there to head to North Kansas City to the birthday party where we met even more family.

We had a long day and a late night, but it was worth every moment of it! What a great day!

Now, here we are! It's Monday and the day is getting away from me...again! Let's get started...shall we?

This week's master 'to-do' list...

- Clean house
- Do laundry
- Remove, soak, and unclog my shower head
- Straighten the Van Gogh room up and make it company ready
- Present a program on wild turkeys at the local library
- Figure mid-month budget and go to the bank
- Solidify Thanksgiving plans
- Work

This week's menu plan...

Monday - Turkey Italian sausage with fried cabbage (freezer), baked potato, and oven-roasted baby carrots
Tuesday - Chili dog and oven fries
Wednesday - Lentil rice casserole with baby carrots and dip (change of plans - Chicken Chowder and Good Earth Rolls)
Thursday - Oven-roasted chicken, baked potato, and corn-on-the-cob
Friday - Turkey burger and chips
Saturday - Fish sandwich and oven fries
Sunday - Leftovers

Well, that's it for today! I hope you're having a nice Monday and that your week is off to a great start! 

Until next time,
(#49 in this week's lineup over at Grammy's Grid's 'Unlimited Link Party #138')

Recent and related posts that you might be interested in reading...

Master To-Do List and Menu Plan Monday - November 6, 2023


  1. Hello! That was a busy but wonderful weekend with family and friends! Loved the pictures of your people. Your menu looks delicious. I have to confess it is 5:40 on Monday night and I have no plans for dinner at all! Have a cozy evening, my friend.

    1. Thanks, Billie Jo! It was a busy but wonderful weekend to be sure! What did you end up fixing for dinner? :)

  2. I love the nature pictures! The majority of our leaves have fallen and turned brown so now it's just a matter of the main color being white in my neck of the woods.

    1. Thanks, Ellen! White is nice, too! I'm looking forward to our first snow...that is...if it ever gets here! Have a blessed Tuesday! <3

  3. Happy new week to you Rebecca! Such beautiful photos and what a lovely area. And you have such a beautiful family!! :) I can't believe Thanksgiving is next week already. Time is flying! Blessings to you.

    1. I know, Carrie! I don't know where the year has disappeared to! I trust that all is well with you and I wish you and yours a beautiful and blessed Thanksgiving!

  4. I had to laugh, better to watch leaves fall than snow!! I hate when it snows, that's why I live in AL :) Looks like you've been busy. Thanks so much for linking up at the #UnlimitedLinkParty 138. Pinned.

    1. While I love both (falling leaves and snow) I wish they'd figure out a way to keep the world in perpetual fall with bright colored leaves falling all the time and recycling back to the trees to fall again and again...except for the week of Christmas, of course! Then, I'd like to take a week off from fall and have a warm, but white, Christmas with deep snow and all the trimmings...sleigh rides with horses, jinglebells, old-fashioned (but cool) clothes, etc. Oh, well, now you know how silly and whimsical I can be, Dee! LOL! :D

    2. I suppose I'd choose perpetual sunshine, palm trees swaying with the tropical breeze and continuous ocean waves. Fall makes me sad as I know cold weather and winter is on its way. Although temps here in AL are mild compared to other parts of our country, the chill in the air is too much for me.


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