Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Patriotic Christmas Tree 2020

 Christmas Tree #1 of the 2020 season is finally up! 

It is a 3-foot white tree that features American flags (two minis at the top and one large wrapped around the bottom that serves as a tree skirt), red, white, and blue lights, and red, silver, and blue ornaments.  

The tree is in the kitchen (a.k.a. "the war room") where my husband and I pray, keep up with news of the election, and interceed on behalf of our president and the nation. 

Christmas Tree #2 is forthcoming, but it will be a while as I am still awaiting a couple of items that I ordered online to arrive. I will share photos as soon as it is complete.

Until next time...

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  1. Love it! I also love that your kitchen is your war room and that you pray together.

    1. Thanks! I added some mini flags to it today. Really dressed it up! And, yes! Praying in the war room! It's so important! Love you, Friend! Blessings! <3

  2. I just found this blog. You have good content for us keepers at home. I will be checking back. I'm always learning. Thank you for having me. :)

    1. Thank you!!! I'm so glad that you found it and that you're here! Blessings for a lovely holiday season!

  3. Beautiful!!! What a great idea, smiles. Have a lovely week ahead, my friend. smiles

    1. Thanks, Linda! Have a lovely week yourself and a very, bright, merry, and blessed Christmas season! <3


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