... an early alarm and thoughts of the day.
What I'm thinking...
... about the week ahead, my long 'to-do' list, and that, with the impending deluge, my husband probably isn't going to get to work in his garden this week. 😞
What I'm thankful for...
... all the freedoms that we have enjoyed as citizens of the United States of America over the past 244 years. Those freedoms didn't come easy and they're slipping away fast. I pray that people will wake up before it's too late, realize what is happening, and do what is necessary to regain what we've already lost.
On the breakfast plate...
... Triple Zero vanilla yogurt and a blueberry Nutrigrain bar with hot tea
The weather...
The View From My Office Window @ 6:30 This Morning |
... at the moment the sun is shining, but there is a bank of dark clouds moving in from the south and west. Rain is coming and should be here within the hour. The week ahead looks, quite likely, to be warm and very wet! 😞💧☔
This week's menu plan...
Monday - Hot roast beef sandwiches, mashed potatoes and gravy, with peas and carrots
Tuesday - Oven-roasted chicken breasts, baked sweet potatoes, and green beans
Wednesday - Supper at dd's
Thursday - Turkey burgers, sweet potato fries, and cottage cheese
Friday - Homemade pizza
Saturday - Dh's night to cook
Sunday - Leftovers
Wildflowers on the Prairie Spider Milkweed and Scurfy Pea |
On my 'to do' list...
Monday - Complete this post, clean house, do laundry, wash bedding
Tuesday - Meet dil for breakfast, work in Van Gogh room (a.k.a. "my office") and get it ready for overnight company (make room for the roll-away bed)
Wednesday - Spend time with out-of-town company
Thursday - Catch up around the house
Friday - Work
Saturday - Work
Sunday - Church
Prairie Roses |
On my reading pile...
Bible Prayer by Kenneth E. Hagin (Bible Study Course) and Discover Nature 'Close to Home' by Elizabeth P. Lawlor
Discover Nature Close To Home by Elizabeth P. Lawlor |
From the camera...
Some Kind of Vireo, I Think - Not Sure Yet |
A Cute Picture of a Dickcissel That I Took This Week |
Barn Swallow |
Double-decker Dickcissels |
Scripture verse...